Chapter Twenty-Four

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Robertson scouted every inch of the western part of the lake.

The sun was setting over the horizon and his tank was half empty. The sensible thing would've been to go home, get some sleep and start again at dawn, but Robertson, instead kept going.

He cruised through the forest, headlights on full whack. Even if he did go home and try to get some rest, he wouldn't be able to with the worry and agonizing annoyance that Cheverston was so close.

His mind went else where as he imagined himself hanging Cheverston from the trees, drowning him in the lake, putting a bullet through his head and many more dreadful ways to kill him.

His hands tightened around the steering wheel at the thought of him. Even though he has all these ideas of killing him fifty different ways, would he really be able to do it in the end?

Cheverston had helped him through a rough patch and had his back all those years ago. Could he really murder someone he despised in cold blood?

Robertson turned down his headlights as a mini cabin came into view.

He was about to find out.

Robertson crouched behind a bush, squinting his eyes, trying to get a better look at the cabin. There were no lights on and looked like nobody was home and looked pretty abandoned. There were cracked planks on the deck. Looked like nobody had been in it for years.

"Has Cheverston written all over it." Robertson mumbled under his breath.

He grabbed his gun from his waistband pocket, hands now sweaty. If this was the cabin, he'd come face to face with Cheverston after a year.

He swallowed the lump in his throat and made his way around the bush, cautiously approaching the cabin.

Knowing Chevertson, Robertson suspected he rigged the place with traps and many more things he really did not want to discover.

He crept around the back, careful to avoid the windows. He made his way up towards the back door, cold sweat running down his back.

He was nervous about encountering Cheverston after so long, he wasn't sure what his first move would be.

With a sweaty hand, he cracked open the door that creaked loudly as it swung open. Robertson stood tall, taking a deep breath before stepping inside the cabin.

He quickly looked left and right, aiming his gun in every direction. He went down a corridor and kicked a door in to find it empty.

He kicked in the next few doors, aiming his gun wildly around the place to find once again, nothing but a dusty bedroom.

He scavenged the rest of the cabin and nobody was in sight. Not Jade, not even Cheverston.

His chest tightened and panick filled him. Was this the only cabin? Had Cheverston moved Jade to another location without him realising?

Robertson's heartbeat quickened. He sank to the floor, clutching his pounding chest. Every beat felt like a drum being battered by a stick.

He sucked in large deep breathes, calming himself down. He squeezed his eyes shut and breathed in through his nose and out through his mouth until he regained a normal rhythm.

He only searched the western side of the lake. He still had another three sections to search before losing all hope.

He got up from the floor, staggering out the front door, towards his Audi.

He put the car in gear and set off towards the southern section, continuing with his search.

Jade spent the rest of the day avoiding Rachel as much as possible. The sight of her made her want to punch the living crap into her.

She wasn't angry at Robertson anymore. Goosebumps ran up her arm at the thought of him. All she wanted was to go home with him.

The door swung open and she half expected Rachel to walk in. But it wasn't Rachel. It was Cheverston with his famous smirk plastered on his lips.

Jade folded her arms over her chest, eyes narrowed. "What?"

Chevertson sat down on the edge of the bed, his smirking growing wider. "Your father is very entertaining," he sighed through his nose with a smile. "Playing him is just so much fun."

Talk about a psychotic prick.

Jade kept that one to herself.

"Where is he?" She asked in a small voice. She wanted to know but also would rather not know. The closer the worse. She'd rather him as far away as possible, then have him rescue her and suffer a painful death.

Chevertson was now grinning from ear to ear. "He's still far away, but not that far away."

Jade creased her brows. So he's far away but not far away. Wow Cheverston, you really helped me out there, prick.

Cheverston rolled his eyes. "You're no fun, you know that?"

Jade narrowed her slits. "What do you want me to say? Oh Darren thank you so ever much for telling me that my father is far away but isn't far away, that really helps me a lot, you couldn't of done anymore to make me feel better."

Cheverston's hand curled into a fist. "I'd watch my tongue if I were you."

I'd watch my back if I were you.

Jade bit down on her tongue to stop herself from spitting out insults at him.

Chevertson patted her on the shoulder, causing her tense. He tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and leaned down, whispering to her.

"The fun will be coming sooner than I expected."

He kissed her on the forehead and left the room, leaving her in absolute disgust.

She sat down on the bed and trailed off into a cloud full of wonder.

What did he mean by, 'the fun will be coming sooner rather than later?'

Cheverston sat in his black spinning chair in his man cave, throwing popcorn up in the air and catching it in his mouth as he witnessed Robertson having a near mental breakdown.

"Oh god," he said with a laugh. "I do enjoy this little cat and mouse game of ours, Ryan."

He stuffed himself with popcorn and relaxed. He couldn't wait till Robertson found the trap he had set and he couldn't wait to see the look on his face when he would see Rachel again.

Cheverston smiled to himself and took a swig from his brandy. He looked closer at the monitor and sighed, staring at Robertson weaving in and out of the trees.

"The fun has only begun."

Authors Note:
Sorry for not updating as usual. I know the chapters are boring and dragging again but in two or three chapters time it'll get interesting again.

I want to wish you all a merry Christmas and a very happy new year! I hope you guys have a good start and I wish you all to be well!

Hopefully I'll have another update by tomorrow (which probably won't happen because well, I'm lazy haha sorry).

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