Chapter Thirteen

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Jade had followed Cheverston down multiple corridors and as they went further into the hospital, it seemed to get much darker and colder.

Cheverston looked around and quickly unlocked a door, practically shoving Jade inside.

The room smelt of death. The paint on the white stained walls was peeling off. The floor was rather dirty and the bed in the middle of the room looked rather like a death bed.

Cheverston put his hand on the small of her back giving her a small push forward.

"Lie on the bed," he instructed, going to back of the room to fetch something.

Jade obeyed, slowly lowering herself onto the bed, leaning back on it. She got a shiver and shook with the cold.

Cheverston wheeled a machine over to her side that Jade recognised as a lie detector.

Her heart sank deeply in her chest.

Cheverston hooked up the lie detector and placed a strap on her upper arm as if he was checking her blood pressure. He then restrained her to the bed with leather straps and put her index and ring finger through black straps. He then placed small round sticky circles on either side of her temples, wires hanging from them.

Cheverston sat down in a chair, getting the test ready. He smirked as he looked over at her.

"This is how it's going to work, I ask you a few simple questions and you have to do is answer correctly," Jade swallowed hard as a smirk lifted on his lips. "And if you lie......" he drawled. "Well," his smirk deepened. "you'll find out."

"Let's start off simple," he looked Jade in the bed, pushing his fingers tips together, that famous smirk plastered on his lips. "What's your full name?"

Jade furrowed her brows and sighed through her nose. "Jade Maria Robertson."

Cheverston looked down at the sheet of paper that was currently printing out her heart rate.

"And whats yours?" She arched her brows. "Dickwad is it?"

Jade smiled to herself. "Darren Dickwad Cheverston," she sighed through her nose. "It suits."

Cheverston picked up a small white remote and pressed the red button. Pain spread out Jades body and she screamed.

Her legs felt weak, her arms tingling. She felt sensations of insects crawling on her skin. It felt like water was trickling down her leg.

She prayed it wasn't her pee.

Cheverston gripped her by the hair, and slammed her head back onto the bed. Black spots clouded her vision, slowly fading as he forced her to look at him.

"Now, we are going to do this the easy way or hard way." His grip tightened on her hair, causing her scalp to ache. "You keep your smart little comments to yourself and answer my questions, or, you can keep going and you can find out the consequences."

He let go on her hair and sat back down in his seat as she tried to regain a normal breathing rhythm.

He looked at her and waited for her to calm down before rolling onto the next question. "Have you told anyone about the lesson I thought you?"

Jade shook her head. "No."

Cheverston glanced down at the printing paper to find her heart rate beating normally.

Jade had seen her dad do many lie detector tests on people. She knew she had to keep her heart at a simultaneously beat.

But it was easier said than done.

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