Chapter Twenty-Two

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Robertson sat outside Dr. Quinn's house, staring up at the driveway.

It was a decent size. It was a two story yellow house with large windows on the ground floor, revealing a modern kitchen. In the other window was a large living room that looked rather cosy. Two vehicles were parked outside, just beside the large garden.

Considering the lights were on and two cars were there, Robertson figured someone must be home.

He got out of the car, locking it behind him. He opened the metal gate and continued up the driveway.

He rapped his knuckles on the oak door and stuck his hands in his pockets, waiting patiently.

After a few moments the door opened to reveal a woman in a silk dressing grown, ebony hair and electric blue eyes.

"I'm Zoe," she stuck out her hand. "How can I help you today?" she looked at his bulletproof vest. "Officer."

Robertson shook her hand. "Ryan Robertson," he looked behind her to see if Dr. Quinn was around. "Is Dr. Quinn here?"

Zoe smiled and nodded, turning around a called up the stairs. "Ella! An officer is here to speak to you."

There was shuffling upstairs and Dr. Quinn slowly made her way down the stairs, fastening her robe.

She stood next to Zoe and smiled at Robertson. "Good to see you Sargent Robertson, how can I help you?"

"May I speak with you," he glanced at Zoe. "Alone."

Dr. Quinn turned to Zoe. "Honey, could you run me a bath, I won't be long."

Zoe smiled and pecked Dr. Quinn on the lips and gave Robertson a smile before heading back upstairs.

"Where are my manners?" She stood aside. "Please come in."

Robertson stepped foot in the household, Dr. Quinn closing the door behind him.

He followed her into the kitchen and she put the kettle on. "Tea?"

Robertson shook his head. "I won't be staying long, thanks."

Dr. Quinn got out a mug for herself and leaned against the counter, waiting for Robertson to ask what needed to be asked.

Robertson fished a photo of Cheverston out of his pocket and set it down on the island. "What can you tell me about this man?"

Dr. Quinn leaned forward, staring at the photo. "That's Dr. James Ronald-"

Robertson cut her off. "It's actually Darren Cheverston."

Dr. Quinn took another hard look at the photo and her eyes widened. "I'm terribly sorry, I should've realsied-"

Robertson waved her off. "Don't be sorry, I just want to know everything he told you, every little detail, what he did, when he did it and where."

Dr. Quinn had a sad look on her face. "I'm sorry Sargent, but I've only spoken to him a couple of times, Hannah was the one who spoke mostly to him.

"Did he tell you anything at all?" Robertson inquired. "What he was going to do? Anything at all?"

Dr. Quinn shook her head. "I'm sorry, no. He didn't mention anything like that."

Robertson sighed deeply, rubbing a hand over his face. He took Cheverston's photo and stuffed it in his back pocket.

Robertson mumbled a quick thanks and a sorry for disturbing her. He began to leave when she spoke up.

"I really am sorry," she said. "I do hope you find your daughter."

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