"We're here! What were you saying?"

       "N-Nothin'" Husk replied, looking down embarrassed.

       "I highly doubt that."

      Husk mumbled cuss words under his breath in response. 

     "Come on Husk, tell me."


     Alastor rolled his eyes. "Whatever, just come in and choose your favorite strawberry."

     Husk was very confused. "what?"

     "I like plain old strawberries but hey, there's chocolate and a lot of other flavors." 

     Husk wanted to say Alastor, but he would embarrass himself right then and there, in the view light of a lot of residents of hell.


       "Well is chocolate a flavor?"


       "Then that's your answer."

        30 minutes go by and Alastor buys every single chocolate-covered strawberry known to demonkind and more.

          Alastor and Husk walked into the hotel, Alastor carrying thousands of strawberries.

          "Do you need any help?"

          Alastor is barely walking straight but still replies with "Yep, I'm good."

         "Seriously I can help you."

         He places the thousands of strawberries from his arms onto a nearby table. "Phew...eat up, buttercup."

         "I just want to say thanks..." Husk said before realizing that sounded like he genuinely liked him so he quickly added "I guess"

         "You're welcome, I'd do anything for you my dear Husk."

         Husk fell silent, not believing his ears.

         "After all you are the best friend."


         "Why the long face?"

         "I'm always like this."

        "Look I know you're not all smiles like I am, but I can tell there's something wrong."

        "There's nothing wrong! I just...need booze." Husk said as he walked to his bar in the lobby, Alastor following close behind.

       "Husk dear booze can't solve every problem."

       "Yes it can and I'll prove it!" He had a single strawberry in his hand and he dropped in his booze.

      "Now killing people, yes indeedie!"


      "That's how I coped with my problems."

      "Not much better than this booze."

     "Is too! At least I'm not killing brain cells."

     "You got a point there, my friend in hell, nobody gives a shit." Husk chugged his drink.

      Alastor sighed. "Just enjoy your strawberries I guess."

     Husk continued to chug his drink as he got drunk. "A-Al?"


     "Can I-I tell you somethin'?"

Writing oneshots #2 and some artحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن