Villain Side: I-Island

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This is when Y/N was undercover so that is why All For One is mentioned.


I was told by my main boss All for One to go to the I Island to assist a villain that is after a powerful piece of research equipment. "Sure I can do that but mind if I also just go and relax and see the expo I always liked this kind of thing" I said and smiled and he surprisingly okayed it.

I was walking to the airport when I also saw Izuku, 'where is he going and who is he waiting for' I thought as I saw a skeleton of a man walk with him into the airport. But I ignored it and walked into the airport. Now I could teleport there but I want a different experience since I have never been on an airplane before.

When I got on the plane I noticed some of class 1-A and they noticed me and started panicking until I walked up to them and said, "I'm going to enjoy the expo, relax why would I ruin something I enjoy" they were surprised but I went to my seat. I then looked out the window I was excited and some of my former class were curious. I also saw Iida staring at me, I smiled at response.

Iidas POV

'Y/N is here and he said he is here for the expo and he looks genuinely excited' I thought and he gave me a reassuring smile which surprisingly made us all relax.

He then asked, "have you guys ever been on an airplane this is my first time riding one, anything I should know about" curious but Jiro had an evil smile.

Jiro POV

'He's never been on one, should I tell him about jet lag. Nah I want to enjoy a villain being tortured' I thought with and evil smile. "No nothing really, it's just like you're in the backseat of a car" I said and he nodded then looked back out the window with a pleasant smile.

Timeskip to Island Y/N POV

I got off the plane holding my stomach trying not to barf with class 1-A laughing. 'Last time I believed in Koyoka' I thought, looking at the doors for immigration. They all walked past me because they did remember I'm a villain only I'm not here to cause trouble well only if I have to.

Since I didn't think I was registered and Kurogiri forgot I teleported in so I didn't set off any alarms. I was surprisingly met by Izuku and All Might on the other side and I started panicking. All Might surprisingly winded up a punch and, "TEXUS SMASH" but I countered with also smashing into his fist surprising everybody in the crowd.

"If you give me a minute I can explain why I am here" I said still struggling against his fist. Until he let up and let me explain. I sighed in relief, "I am here to look at the expo and to help some researcher" I said and he was shocked that a researcher asked for my help through the villain network.

"I think he is telling the truth. All Might he was never really one to lie" Izuku said and I thanked him.

All Might put his guard down making me relax but I saw people questioning why he would attack a civilian and that the person survived one of his smashes. So I naturally came up with something on the fly. "EXCUSE ME I AM SURE YOU ARE WONDERING WHY THE NUMBER ONE HERO WOULD ATTACK A RANDOM PERSON" everyone nodded. "THE REASON FOR THAT IS I AM HIS RIVAL EVEN IF I AM YOUNGER THAN HIM WE TEST EACH OTHER'S STRENGTH WHENEVER WE SEE EACH OTHER" they seemed to have bought it making me now relax so now I can walk freely. Well that was until we got swarmed by reporters.

I connected a link with All Might and he was surprised, "you and Izuku get out of here they are probably after me" I said in my mind as I warped him and my old friend somewhere and focused on lying my ass off.

A couple hours later

I let out a sigh of relief as I finally got out of the crowd.

I was walking down the hallway and knocked on the door of the researcher I was supposed to meet with, I decided to help the good guys I am undercover and I am probably going to end up a good guy again when I get back anyway.

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