Welcome Back and Dorms

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Two days ago I got out of prison and here I am in front of class 1-A, "come on Y/N you can do this" I said really nervous. With that I opened the door and looked at the class then everyone turned their heads to me.

"Uhhhhh hi" I said and it specifically looked like Kirishima was going to jump me. But before he did I locked him in place he was going to ask why he couldn't move but I said, "you don't have to forgive me but I had to do what I did to keep my cover, but I truly am sorry" I said and I saw him relax a little but not completely.

"Look you did something that not a lot of people agree with, but you did nail the League of Villains. So I personally say sit down and shut up so class can begin" Bakugo said and everyone looked at him and it seemed to bother him. "WHAT I CAN BE NICE EVERY ONCE IN A WHILE" he said and it made us all laugh.

I then walked to my seat for the teacher to come in. Aizawa came into the room and looked at me before going to his little podium. "Look since a lot has happened and if any of the Villains ever escape we will be putting you all in dorms. So me and another teacher will be going around to your houses and see with your parents if you can go to live in them we already sent a notice to them" everyone agreed.

'Oh so that is what it was' I thought then class began.


I was packing, 'since I live by myself I can just pack' I thought as I heard a knock on my door.

 'I want to mess around with them' I thought and said, "I'll get it" as I opened the door. "Hi Mr. Aizawa come on in" I said and let him in the door.

I saw he was waiting for a parental figure which made me sigh as I grabbed my metal bending sword that I bought off the black market. "Where are they" I answered, "not here" I could tell he didn't like that answer. "What do you mean not here" I looked at him and gave him the drop it look and he got the message.

I sighed, "sorry I just wish I could remember" that got his attention. "My parents passed almost directly after I got my quirk and the funny thing is I just can't remember how they died funny huh. Anyway yeah I'm going to the dorms and I got some stuff to decorate it" I said and I could tell he could hear all the metal in my bag. "So I'm ready to go are you ready Aizawa" I asked and he nodded and I could tell he was thinking. He got in his car and I said I will just walk I could tell he was too tired to argue, 'I'm guessing I was the last one' I thought as I decided to start walking.

A little while later

"Arg why did I make a house so far from school" I said as I was almost there. "AAAAA screw it" I said as I teleported.

I surprised a few people when I arrived, "hey dude" I turned to see Kirishima.

Every time I look at him it brings back that time I almost killed Izuku, "uhhh hi" I said and I could tell he saw the look.

Kirishima POV

I saw Y/N show up, 'should I bury the hatchet' I thought as I walked over to him. "hey man" I got his attention.

He looked at me, "uhhh hi" he sounded so scared.

It got me sad but I took a deep breath and stook my hand out, "let's move past this" he smiled and took my hand, "sure ok thanks" he said happy.


I shook his hand and then I heard our teacher talk. "Ok so we will let you in now today will be for settling in and unpacking tomorrow will be back to classes" he said and smiled. "Now then there are the provisional licenses that the camp got you ready for and Y/N do you want me to tell them or do you want me to" he asked and I gave the go ahead. he sighed, "aw man it would have be-" Iida interrupted.

"Sir will we be taking part in the licensing exam" he asked and I proceed with taping his mouth shut.

"If you let him finish he will tell you but since I'm already talking I guess I will tell you more like show you" I said and I pulled out my license and they were shocked, "I still don't believe it's real but All Might gave me this before me and him fought and I got taken away" I said looking at it. "But yea apparently if I have this I don't have to participate but I still want to, I don't want to sit on the sidelines and watch that is no fun and since I haven't showed myself as a hero to the public they said I could take it," I said and the look on their faces were priceless it made me laugh.

"Anyway you guys will be up against quirks you never encountered before but we will go over that next time right now go unpack" he said and everyone ran inside but I stood there still looking at the building.

"Something wrong Y/N" someone said and I looked around and didn't see anyone but I know who it was.

"Yeah thanks for snapping me out of it Tooru" I said and walked in.

Timeskip to the game

I walked to the main area and Mina proposed a game, "lets go around and see who has the coolest room" she said excitedly.

'I hope they like it' I thought as I joined.

Timeskip to your room

We were outside of my room, "just be careful everything has some amount of value so ask first" I said and they nodded. I sighed "ok come in" I said and opened the door to let them in.

Inside were clouds on the ceiling, red and blue walls, a couple weapons on the walls, a medium size bed, a mini fridge, a closet, and a dresser.

"I know no- " I cut myself off when I saw Kirishima grab the expensive sword I got off the black market.

"Uhhhh please be very careful with that" he nodded and took it off the wall. He unsheathed it, "huh it's broken" it sort of aggravated me but I understood. "It's not broken you just don't know how to use it," I said as I asked for it and he gave it to me. I also asked for the sheath, "careful I rarely use this" I said and I placed it back on the wall and grabbed a handgun looking thing above it, "Ashido heads up" she was startled as I shot it and a butterfly came out and I then proceeded to laugh at the reaction.

"That was really mean" she huffed and pouted and I still laughed.

"Anyway I'm going to bed can you guys go" Mina shook her head. I sighed then smiled and they were confused, "fine" I then snapped my fingers and sent them back to the main room. 'I love my quirk sometimes but sometimes' I thought as I jumped on my bed and closed my eyes.

I wonder what we are doing tomorrow

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