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I walked into the room and sat down I spotted Todoroki and he was smiling I think. I was staring off into space when Aizawa walked in and yelled to get everyone's attention. I turned and he told us we would be doing internships and that's what the sports festival was for he said we could choose any of the ones that want me. 'Now All Might said I was the favorite out of everyone who' I cut off my thoughts when I saw a number I couldn't count to in a million years.

Everyone was shocked but no one more than me, "th-that many- I said completely shocked. Then everyone congratulated me.

"But who should I pick" I thought for a while. "Let's see I always like fighting from a distance but I always could copy my opponents quirk but if it a close combat quirk then I wouldn't really know what I'm doing but also I might do well on rescue and capture missions, grrr so many to choose from" I said kinda frustrated.

"Why not pick the first one to come to mind" I looked up to see Kirishima.

That's the thing a whole lot are coming to my mind at once, I then just decided to get up and see what everyone else picked. I came to Iida and noticed he only had one in mind, "is that where you plan on going for the internship" I asked looking then noticed his paper. "Isn't that your brothers agency" I asked curious.

He turned around and said, "yes but I am actually going their for my own reasons" I nodded.

"Ok well good luck" I said as I walked back to look at my list but I secretly noticed his eyes following me. I looked at my list and noticed a name of an agency I didn't expect, "isn't that Endeavor's" I said out loud catching Todorokis attention.

"I wasn't really surprised, after all your quirk is very useful in many situations just if you are chosen make sure you aren't hated" he said not wanting two Endeavors.

I nodded, "I don't plan on being a hated villain" I said with confidence. But he only nodded. Then I looked back at my list then looked at Uraraka and noticed a place that nobody expected her to pick, "you sure floaty" I said calling her by my nickname for her as she looked up.

"Yeah, I know my quirk would more fit rescue but if something happens where I have to fight, I want to improve my hand to hand combat. I learned from my fight with Bakugou that I need to improve that, even your better at close range that's why I'm choosing Gunhead" she said looking confident.

I looked at her and smiled, "yeah maybe you should good luck" I said then looked at my list then at Todoroki and then at my list. "I want to get rid of a fear of a certain pro hero that has a proficiency for fire" I said and she looked shocked that I said that because she knows how much I fear him.

"Are you sure" I nodded

"I also learned from the sports festival, I need to make the capture material more used to fire and I think he could help me" I said and I could see she looked worried but she understood. "Just be careful" I nodded. I then walked over to our half and half hero in training, "hey Todoroki is it fine that I go to the same one as you" I asked already knowing he is going to his fathers.

He was curious but nodded, "sure but why" he said and I told him what I told Uraraka. "Understandable it did burn super fast and I do think he would be the best choice even though his way of teaching is harsh but effective I guess" he said trying to hide the worry in his voice.

"Thank you" I said and he nodded. I then went to go write my suggestion down along with a few places I also wrote the choices some of the others picked. I then turned it into Aizawa, he looked at it and nodded curious why I chose them but didn't ask then went back to sleep. "Ok so I now have to mentally have to prepare" I said shooting for the best at the top.

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