The Even Battle Between Fire and Ice

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I walked out and Todoroki walked out of the other end, 'people say we are the strongest in the class' I thought hoping for a challenge. Then we got the battlefield and were told to begin he tried to end it quick. 'Yeah no' I thought as I copied his move and they shattered in the middle.

"So what are you imagining is to have my quirk to toy with me" he's so serious.

I shook my head, "no I want a test everyone says we are the strongest in the class and since everything I create is made out of the same stuff I used against Shinso I guess I needed something new" I said as I threw some fire at him but he attempted to block with ice but it melted right through. 'He's only using ice' I thought watching. "Why aren't you using your fire dude you're using half your strength here I want a fair battle. Two dudes fighting it out with the same quirk will the owner of the quirk be beaten by a copycat or will you use both of your sides and I have a feeling I know what your thinking I met him on my way here" I said and that got his attention. "Yea he said good luck and he talked about you becoming the number one hero but it what it looks like is that you don't want that isn't that right" I said and he was surprised I was half right. He nodded, "Then listen here Todoroki it is yours you can decide what to do with it, it doesn't belong to him" then all of a sudden it got severly hot and cold at the same time.

"Your logic here is odd to say the least, but you won't last" I was hoping for that answer.

'I know I don't have enough stamina to take that down so lets try some of my moves' I thought and summoned five clones of myself. "Good lu-" I cut myself off as they burned to ashes. 'Huh ok then' I thought as I blasted fire and ice at him the fire was mixed with Bakugos explosion quirk but his fire overpowered it because he was much better at using his quirk than I was. He then blasted some fire at me, 'shit' I got hit which sent me flying and smashed into the wall leaving me stuck.

Todoroki was declared the winner and I was sent to Recovery Girl.

I woke up a little later, "what happened" I asked and she explained and I was disappointed I lost but happy he is using his fire. "I should go watch the next match even though I already know Bakugo will win, he always would win in a close quarters fight" I said and sighed. Then waved and walked back to where everyone else was but I wasn't expecting to pass an enraged Endeavor. I walked quickly but I wasn't fast enough, "hey kid" 'shit' I thought as I turned around.

"Hello again your son is something else," I said with an awkward smile while slowly backing up because he may be a good hero at saving people but he's downright terrifying.

"Yes he is" he looked like he wanted to say something else but he just left.

"That was close" I whispered to myself and walked to the stands just to see the end of the fight.

I was placed third, Todoroki was second, aaaaand Bakugo is tied up and in first. I tried to hold back laughing as All Might gave us our medals. He whispered to me, "you may be the favorite" I was confused but shrugged it off.

Oh boy the next day I clearly understood what he meant.

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