License Test Part 1

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We got off the bus and we were waiting for Aizawa.

We shouted PLUS ULTRA when we also heard someone else shout it with us, "Who are you?" I asked. 'He is oddly familiar' I thought looking at him but he just walked away. Aizawa said his name was Inasa Yoarasha and he said he was also a first year.

Then I heard, "Eraser is that you I would notice that scowl anywhere" I turned to see one of the only funny hero Ms Joke.

She noticed me and actually frowned but looked back to our teacher, 'I forgot not all the schools know only U.A. and all the staff heros and police here' I said sweating and my classmates noticed and remembered I actually have a record.

"Chill dude" Kaminari said to me and I actually relaxed but I hid as in I copied, Hagakure's quirk invisibility turning my case, clothes and myself invisible.

I saw a guy shaking everyone's hand and being all nice but I could see the look on his face it said the complete opposite of what he said. He looked at me with a scowl and I was freaking out how he noticed me, 'what is his quirk' I thought staring and noticed he was the only one that saw me.

I turned visible when they left, "how did he see me" I said shocking everyone. I was just staring at him and was thinking what quirks were able to tell when something they can't see is there. 'Hagakure isn't always that quiet' I said in my head. "Arrrg I will figure it out later" I said walking in the middle of my class not to get noticed.

Time skip to opening

Izuku said to stay together but my quirk works and doesn't work like that, so Todoroki, Bakugo and myself went somewhere else.

I was in front of a ton of people and when they started they all teamed up on me. 'Lets have some fun' I thought as I imagined my targets moving all over my body making people second guess themselves. Then out of nowhere a thick windstorm showed up so I made and earth dome so they couldn't get me easily. When I noticed the sound of the wind stopped I made a crack so I could see outside and my targets stop because I was dumbfounded. 'What happened they are all gone' I said looking around and noticed that Yoarasha guy on top of a building looking at me and I could tell he wanted to do something but his targets turned blue meaning he passed so he couldn't. He just walked away.

Me on the other hand just teleported back to Izuku and them and noticed they were in a tight spot, "need some help," I said as I made a dome like shield out of clay making all the balls stick.

"I'm surprised you haven't passed yet Y/N" Iida said.

"I was about to when the first year form Shietsu got my targets" I said and lowered the dome and everyone in the surrounding area were shocked seeing me.

"What is a villian doing here" they then all hurled insults at me.

Izuku was going to say something but I stopped him, "they are entitled to their opinion of me even though I turned in the league of villains that doesn't excuse what I have done" he was still concerned. "Hey relax I heard worse on my job so relax, besides if I wasn't ready for this treatment I would have just accepted the license All Might gave me" I said and he nodded letting it drop. Then I walked forward and told my team to stand down, "then come at me" I said growing to the size of Mt. Lady. "Show this former villain your conviction" I said in a booming voice so literally everyone there could hear me.

Bakugou and Todoroki POV

We were fighting our opponents when both sides stopped and listened.

"SHOW THIS FORMER Villain YOUR CONVICTION AND GET MY POINTS" we heard a booming voice and looked to see a giant Y/N.

'Idiot' we both facepalmed in our head.

Back to your POV

I then shrunk, "if you fellow students want to know I was undercover and turned in all of the villains but you are all too ignorant to buy that aren't you" I said and they all smiled.

"Izuku get everyone away you might lose if you are in the vicinity," I said and he nodded and got everyone out of the area. Then a guy said, "taking all twenty of use on your own are you crazy" that made me laugh. "I have fought tons of pros sure they were hard to beat. Also so you know they are all fine but I don't think about five of them will be able to continue their hero careers a pity really" I said egging them on to attack first and they did.

"Predictable, everyone in class 1-A could beat me because they have fought villains but, *stops all attacks frozen in midair* you probably never fought a villain have you" I said and noticed some of their faces as I sent all their attacks back at them but I froze some balls that were thrown as and attack in front of the girl with the Telescopic quirk, "I'm guessing there is a time limit isn't there" I said smiling. She was surprised that I was right, "everyone's muscles get tired eventually" she said making my smile bigger. "Then I'm going to hold the balls where I noticed where your targets are k" I said making her worried then I turned to the guy that saw me this morning at the buses.

"Vibration when I was breathing right" he was also shocked. "Izuku isn't the only one with an analytical brain" I said. Then he put his hands on the ground. I just copied what he said, "MAXIMUM FORCE: TREMBLING EARTH" only I said reverse making nothing to happen. "I reversed to the point where you did nothing. But me I don't have to say anything" I said. "But I will, EARTH SHATTER" then everything within a 50 meter radius shatters breaking the ground well except where I'm standing.

"Now then let's finish this oh right" I looked over and saw the telescopic girl was unfolded so I got her out by hitting her targets first. Then out of nowhere I heard cracking, I saw one of the rocks that the people stand and I saw a guy stuck under a rock, 'shit' I teleported and I tried to lift it without my quirk because I had a headache. "Come on you stupid rock" I said desperetly trying but then I felt someone on my right trying to help me. It was a guy covered in hair. 'Good thing my targets are on the left side of my body' I thought while still trying to lift it.

Then one by one people came to help this guy, when we got the rock off, I was dumbfounded, "you dumb pervert" afterward I remembered my situation making me back away. But I noticed they just toss me a ball, "but why" I said looking at them. Before anything the boulder that was going to fall fell and I was safe only by a few inches.

"A villain would have let him die" someone in the back said and it sounded like a knock off form of Iida.

I almost teared up, "thanks" I said and took out everyone that didn't help, helping me pass. They were shocked and asked why after my targets turned blue and I teleported Mineta away. "Simple really you all helped and they didn't" then I teleported to where I was supposed to go I noticed Todoroki and Bakugo there.

When I was about to say something but, "THAT WAS REALLY STUPID YOU KNOW THAT RIGHT" leaving me looking around and everyone was ready to attack but I made an earth dome with 27 layers deep.

"Tell me when the next part happens" I said muffled through all the stone. They said ok and with that I waited, the I just decided for eating some cake I decided to pop into existence.

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