Sports Festival

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We were all in our seats and were told that the fight wasn't over yet because the sports festival was coming up and he said it was a good opportunity to get scouted, 'first step' I thought excited. Then somebody asked if it was a good idea because of the USJ attack wasn't that long ago, "good point" I said unconsciously. He replied that we want everything to look like it was just fine nothing to worry about, I just nodded then heard noises out in the hall as I went over and opened the door and 1-B and General Studies were standing checking out the computation.

Then Bakugo since class was over grabbed his stuff and just went over and said, "What's the point I'm going to win anyway these extras don't stand a chance" I was up for that challenge.

"I accept your challenge bomber boy" that's his nickname because he has a temper. He looked at me dead in the eye and for a minute I was scared. He then walked out and a guy with purple hair came up and it feels like I know him but I'm not completely sure though. He walked up to us and said, "this is a big opportunity for not only class 1-A but everyone else we could even take your spot anyone of us is looking to get into the hero course so this is a warning to see you guys around" he said and walked away. 'Hmm interesting guy' I thought looking at him walk away. Then I turned back to all the other students, "just to let you all know we won't go so easy you can expect us to go for the gold" I said and walked out the door.

I walked outside and was called to stop and I turned around to find Izuku running up to me, "hey Midorya what's up" I said to him.

All he said was good luck, I responded by saying, "you to" and with that I walked home.

Timeskip to festival

We were waiting to start, but before hand Bakugou was to say something but all he did was say he is going to win this and that got everyone's interest. I smiled, 'this just got interesting' I thought while the machine was selecting the first event and it was something I was good at.

"Obstacle course" Midnight said.

Next thing we knew we were lined and filed and getting ready to go through a massive arch doorway, I transported to the front of the line. Next to me was Todoroki, "good luck guess we will see who wins" I said but he didn't say anything which kinda creeped me out. Then they said to begin and instantly I slipped and fell on my butt, 'smart one' I thought as I summoned some skates. Now all I have to do is catch up but thanks to me slipping I was stuck in the doorway while some of the rest of my class, 'crap crap' I thought as I ended up the last of out of the doorway of my class. To get ahead I imagined the floor all around me was sticky and ran ahead before letting it go and I was in 30th place now, 'I have to get ahead' I thought as I saw Midorya and he was running and not really using his quirk, 'well good idea not using it yet his muscles do break' I thought as I passed him only to be caught by the zero pointers that were on the entrance exam and Todoroki froze some and it started falling on us. 'Ok imagine me with Kirishima's quirk' I thought as I copied his hardening quirk. After it fell on me and Kirishima we both dug our way out and of course he yelled at me for copying his until we heard something else as a guy from 1-B shot out and he had the steel quirk. I ignored it and started to run and I finally caught up to first and second at the minefield trying to avoid them until I heard a loud BOOM and I looked up to see Izuku launch ahead using the explosion to launch himself to first place but not only that he placed one foot on Bakugos shoulder and the other on Todoroki and slammed the thing he was carrying with him on a mine in front of them blowing them up gaining first place. I transported next to him and now it was me and him fighting for first but sadly he won. "Nice job I was laughing once you did that to them" I said smiling as they got 3rd and 4th.

(I'm going to skip the cavalry battle)

I am glad I got into the finals the one v one matches but what I am more scared of is my opponent, "ok calm down and remember no talking" I said as they called me out to fight the guy who called Bakugo in the room. I got out to the battlefield and was met with I the his name was Shinso and I think I have a pretty good grasp of what his quirk is Ojiro warned me not to talk I can do that I summon a metal muffler so I couldn't talk and if I did it would be too quiet to hear.

Once Cementos said to begin and he was talking about the guys were fools but I caught his attention when I pointed up he was confused but looked up to find the cube from the USJ and he was certainly surprised but I made it small enough for one person and I held up a sign that said 'check mate' and drop the thing on him everyone was scared at first but relaxed after I said he was ok and I was declared the winner because he couldn't move a muscle. Before I walked off the field the Cement hero came over and asked me to make the stuff he was encased in disappear so I did and he was still motionless, "he must have breathed it in to fast it's not deadly it just puts his muscles to sleep and that will kick in you might want to get something read in three, two, one, and he fell to the floor complaining that he couldn't move.

As I was walking back to where we wait I heard them talking about my quirk and how that they thought I almost killed the guy, 'I'm not that type of person' I screamed in my head. I breathed in and out and ignored everyone in the stands, 'I bet I'm fighting Todoroki next and I have an exciting idea' I thought walking to watch everyone else.

When I finally did get there which took forever it was Bakugos turn and it didn't look so good. "I think he should knock her out already" I said and looked at Izuku. "Hey Izuku what's up" and after he said Bakugos on defense it shocked me since if he was fighting me it would be an even match.

Time skip

I was walking out to my fight when I ran into the second ranked and in my opinion a very dangerous hero. 'He noticed me crap' I was tempted to run but I stood tall, "y-your Endeavor the big number two" I said and I think he could tell I was a little intimidated by his size.

"So your the one fighting the future number one huh I was expecting that other kid" he said and I was confused on future number one, then it hit me.

"Your Todorokis dad I guess that's why he is a little intimidating but not as much as you are by far" I said then he said fight well and left.

I walked out and I swore to myself that I will make this an interesting fight.

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