Chapter 11

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When I woke up from my nap I was still in the room, but the lights were turned off. I felt around for my bag to get my phone and when I got it I turned the flash light on, I didn't have an iPhone or any kind of nice phone I had a prepaid phone but I liked it because it had unlimited text and web so it was all good for me. I walked to were the light switch was and I turned the light on and I stretched then turned around and found Daniel sleeping on the couch across from the one I was on. I walked towards him and I shook him a little and told him to wake up, since he didn't wake up I started poking his face and that finally got him to at least move
"Five more minutes" he said
"No! Come on wake up we have to get ready to go film at that alley place." I said
"Fine ugh the things I do for you." He said
"That makes no sense because you just met me today, and it's the on,y thing you've done for me other than be in the video. Haha" I said while laughing
"Whatever I'm sure I'll be doing things for you later." He said
"If you say so...anyways I'm going to go find Mark, you better not fall asleep again Danny!" I said
"Danny?" He said confused
"Um sorry I mean Daniel." I said
"Oh no it's fine it's just no one has really called me that in a while since..." He said but he never finished his sentences
"Since when?" I asked turning around and looking at him
"It doesn't matter go find Mark while I go find my clothes and makeup people." He said and got up and walked passed me and walked out the door.
I was so confused on what had just happened but I let go, let it go, let it go... I forgot the rest of the lyrics lol but anyways I'll talk to him about it later.

I walked out and went to where I was hearing talking coming from. It was a small room and Mark, the director, and my dad were in there, I walked in and they still hadn't noticed me until I was behind my dad
"Oh you're awake great! Is Daniel awake yet?" Mark asked
"Yeah he is, he went to go get ready." I said
"Oh alright great, well we are all set up outside and you just need to go get ready." He said
"Ok." I said and walked back out to my dressing room.
On my way to the room I saw my makeup people and they said that they would be in a little bit. I walked in the dressing room and I was going to sit down on the stool but before I could get to it I saw a phone and a dog tag on the couch, I grabbed it and I hit the power button on the phone and I saw it was Daniels he had a picture of a little boy with him, and on the dog tag and it had someones name on which was Angel and under it was a quote but I wasn't able to read it because then Daniel came in
"Hey um sorry for not knocking but did I leave my pho...." He didn't finish his sentences and came up to me and grabbed his phone and dog tag
"I found them on the couch when I walked in." I said
"It's fine it's just that I needed them." He said
"If you don't mind me asking um who's Angel?" I asked
"Um no one I gotta go I'll see you out there." He said and walked out
Right after he walked out my makeup people came in and they had an outfit and asked me to sit on the stool. They got done fast since they just had to touch up some things and add color so when they got done they left me so I could change, they had me put on some Jean high waisted shorts, a high low tank top that was red, a black long cardigan, and my black Jordan's my dad had brought me from the hotel while I was sleeping. I was getting done tying my shoes when someone knocked on my door I told them to come in and Daniel came in
"Hey..." He said not so sure
"Um hey.." I said
"Sorry...about earlier it just that the necklace means a lot to me." He said
"Oh no it's fine I get it." I said while walking to the dresser thing to get lotion
"Can I tell you something." He asked
"Yeah sure go ahead." I said while turning my back to him so I was able to put lotion on.
He didn't say anything but he walked to me and grabbed the lotion bottle out of my hand and set it on the dresser thing top and grabbed my hand and had me sit down on the couch and he sat down next to me and turned towards me so he was on an angle. I finished putting on the lotion I had on my hands on my legs and then said
"Ok I'm all ears."
"So um I'm not sure why but since I met you I felt like...I could trust you and I just got the urge to tell you but I didn't know how but since you saw the necklace I'm sure you want to know." He said
"Well yeah I want to know but you don't have to I mean it seems like it's hard for you to talk about so how bout we record and then if you're still up for it we can hang out or something and you can tell me then?" I said/asked
"Yeah that sounds nice." He said
"Alright and I'm glad you felt like you could tell me it makes me feel good when people say that to me." I said with a smile
He smiled and then said "well let's go or else they're going to come in and drag us out."
"Alrighty, let me just finish putting lotion on." I said while getting up to get the lotion, I squeezed some on to my hand and then bent over to put it on my other leg I hadn't done.
He giggled "I love the view and all but I'm sure you're dad wouldn't like walking in with you like that and me looking at you." He said
I turned around embarrassed and got up and turned around and sat on the chair to finish spreading the lotion and what was on my hands I put it on my arms.
"Umm....we should get going.." I said still embarrassed and walking towards the door
"Hey I was playing other then having a great view." He said while grabbing my hand and pulling me back I just gave him the are you serious look and crossed my arms
"I'm kidding lets go" he said and he opened the door for me. While we were walking my dad sent me a text that they were waiting for us at the alley and also said it was about 10-15 minutes to get there
"They're already at the alley, they're just waiting on us." I told Daniel
"Cool." He said
While we were walking to the alley we were just talking about anything and he was trying to tell jokes which weren't very funny and somewhat in the middle of all that he ended up grabbing my hand which I didn't mind but I mean we had only met and I hardly knew him but I didn't let go of his hand.
When we finally got to the alley, which wasn't really an alley it was more like a forest with a walking trail which looked pretty cool, Billy the director, Mark, and my dad were pretty worried
"What took you guys so long?" Mark asked
"Sorry we sorta got lost." Daniel said he had let go each other's hands when we saw Mark
"Well at least you're here so let's get started, Leah you'll be in the middle and you'll sing Becky G's verse." Billy said
"Okie dokie!" I said
I went to were I was told and they started to record and I started singing. The other scenes we did Daniel was in it. We did a total of about 5 scenes and the last one we did they said would be the ending to the video and it was me singing the chorus again and walking away from the camera then at the end of that scene Billy wanted Daniel and I to do kissing scene, as in really kiss like on the lips, that would be towards the middle of the video, I thought my dad would say no to it but he didn't really mind so we ended up doing it and that was the second guy I kissed. It wasn't awkward but it was kinda weird you know since I just met him hours ago. When we got done Mark, Daniel, my dad, Billy, and I went back to where we shot the first parts of the video and while Daniel and I changed my dad was talking to Mark and Billy.
"Are we still hanging out?" Daniel asked me
"Yea sure if you want to." I said
"Yea so I'll come for you I'm just going to change into my clothes." He said
"Same, knock before going in please!" I said the he walked away and I went into my dressing room to change. I tried changing fast and I was just tying my shoes when he knocked so I told him to come on.
"I always catch you when you're tying your shoes." He said
"Ik. You ready?" I asked while grabbing my backpack
"Ready when you are." He said we walked out and went to were Mark, my dad, and Billy were
"Hey dad?" I asked
"Yeah what's up hun?" He asked
"Is it okay if I hang out with Daniel for a while?" I asked nervously
"Oh um...sure just meet me back at the hotel but don't get back to late." He said "oh and also be careful!" He said pointing at me
"I will!" I said while going up to him and giving him a kiss on the cheek
"Make sure nothing happens to her alright Daniel." My dad said while looking at him
"Yes sir, she's safe with me." He said
"Alrighty have fun." My dad said
After saying bye and thanks to everyone who helped me, Daniel and I were on our way to where ever he was taking me he said it was a surprise.
Sorry for not updating earlier it's just I still haven't gotten wifi and I've been pretty busy with school and other things and then sometimes I don't know what to put on the chapter so yeah. I hope you guys like it and I'll try updating soon. Comment and vote please! :)

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