Chapter 6

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So I sorta messed up in the last chapter so go back and read where he's telling her about going to LA.


The next day at school I told my friends about the news and they were all excited. I had only planned on telling them but my friends aren't that great at keeping secrets so word got out and now most of my classmates know so all day I had people asking me if it was true and it got really annoying after the first five people.

*skipping to Saturday*

So the rest of the week went by fast and now I was on my way with my mom, dad, and Jenny to pick up my brother from the airport.

When we got to the airport we went to the waiting area, I was excited to see my brother even though me and Jenny had gone for a whole month to be with him over the summer, my parents went as we'll but only for a week because my mom had to get back to work and my dad was called to go fly out somewhere.

Finally after what felt like ages my brothers plane landed and before we knew it he was running towards us while me and Jenny ran towards him as we'll and gave him a big hug.

After the airport we went out to eat at Olive Garden one of our favorite restaurants and we talked about anything and everything. When we finally got home it was around 10pm and we all decided to call it a day and went to our own rooms.

The next few weeks went by fast Christmas was spent like any other Christmas, family come over we had dinner, danced, talked, I did a short vlog, I also told my family about possibly getting signed, then at midnight we all opened our presents, and after that we went on with the party until three in the morning which is when me and my cousin Danny knocked out in my room. New Year's Eve was about the same except some of my friends and their families came over to welcome in the new year.

Now it's the last day of exams and I was finally done with my last one, I've been sorta confident about most of them but also nervous since I would be leaving to LA in 2 days. I was so excited, I had talked to Mark a couple times after my dad told me when we would leave so he told me more about what I would do like in the first week I would be able to record something in the studio and see behind the scenes of how songs are recorded and how music videos are made. Then the second week he's taking me behind the scenes of a concert he won't tell me who's but I'm still excited and then he's gunna have me talk to a few upcoming artist which he won't tell me who and I was pretty excited. So now the whole class is just waiting on one kid to finish their exam, ten minutes before we would be dismissed we were all finally done so I just sat at my seat and listens to music and went on twitter and tweeted


"Finally done with exams! So excited for these next two weeks! 😁😄"

After tweeting that I went through my news feed and replied to some of my fans. The bell finally rang and we all walked out of the class an I went to the office to get my schedule for second semester then went outside were my dad was waiting for me. When I got in the car my dad started listing of things we had to pack and make sure we had since we would be leaving early Saturday morning.


Sorry for late upload I was out of town for the weekend and had no wifi and then when I got home I had writers block and then I couldn't figure out how to organize the chapter. Also sorry for a short chapter and for the confusion on when she would go to LA. I will try and update tomorrow! Thanks for reading. Comment and vote :)

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