Chapter 1

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Leah's POV

As usual I'm here sitting in this boring chemistry class, thank god that it's Friday! This is my second to last class of the day which is good, and honestly I can't wait to go home and post my new video!

So you guys know that I've been posting singing videos on YouTube known as covers since before freshman year but anyway since then I started posting videos on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday every week. But back to class, we have about 10 minutes left and honestly I have no clue what I'm doing, it's nothing new tho I never get ANYTHING we do in class and its no wonder I'm on the verge of failing.

*bell rings*

I gather my things and walk out of class and wait for my friend Kylie. Kylie is 5'4, she's skinny, she has beautiful hair and I love her eyes they're light blue. When she walked out we start walking to our next class, we don't have it together but we walk the same way towards them. On our way to class she asks me

"So are you posting another cover today?"

"Yes, like every Friday...but anyway did you get anything he explained?" I asked

"No, not at all and it doesn't even matter cuz I know I'm going to fail either way." She said

"I know tell me about it my mom is going to kill me if I don't pass at least with a C." I said, she stayed quiet for a little bit and then asked

"Why do you always do that?"

"Do what? Say I'm going to fail?... We'll because I get nothing he explains and I never do the work." I said

"I already know that." She said

"Then what are you talking about?" I asked while I stopped walking because we would have to go our separate ways from here.

"Every time I bring up you posting covers or anything having to do with it you always switch the subject right away, but why?" She asked

I looked at the clock that was on the wall above us and said

"Um....I have to go, I can't be late to history again or else the teacher is going to flip. I'll talk to you later bye!"

I turned around and started to speed walking towards class even tho she kept calling my name.

I walked into history just in time for when the bell and honestly I'm never late for this class and Kylie knows it so it was a terrible excuse to use but whatever.

History went by extremely fast, all we did was watch a movie and take notes. When the bell rang I gathered all my things and put them in my backpack and walked out of class. I made my way as fast as I could through the hall way and went to the front of the school where my mom would be waiting, but to my surprise my dad was waiting for me. My dad is part of the national guard and he had to fly out to Washington for some type of job he had to do, he couldn't tell us what exactly he had to do because it was "confidential" but anyway he had been gone for 3 months and we hadn't heard from him since he called to let us know he landed. I yelled

"Daddy!" And ran up and hugged him and he welcomed me with open arms. I started to cry because I had missed him so much and I was glad that he was finally home. When he finally pulled away I saw he was crying as we'll. He kissed my for head and said

"You don't know how much I missed you, honey."

"I missed you too daddy. Why didn't you call, text, video chat, or try to contact us? I thought the worst when you wouldn't answer me." I said with tears till running down my face.

"I know honey I know, but they wouldn't let us call or contact anyone after we called to let you know we had landed. You know that if I could have called I would have and it killed me to not being able to get in contact with you." He wiped my tears "but now I'm home and we can catch up on everything I've missed these past three months. So no more crying, okay?"

"Okay." I whipped his tear away as we'll "I love you daddy and I'm so glad you're finally home." I said.

Out of now where Kylie, Pam, short for Pamela, and Jason yelled out of nowhere

"Mr. Ramirez!" They ran towards us. I whipped my tears away and stood by him while they ran toward us. When they got to us my dad said

"Hey! How are you guys?"

"We've been good just keeping up with school and we're ready for it to end already!" They said and laughed at the end.

"We'll I'm glad you guys are doing good." He said. Then we heard a car horn, we turned around to see that it was Kylie's mom.

"We'll me and Pam have to go. Bye Mr. Ramirez. Bye Leah" Kylie said

"Bye guys. Sorry I know I said we would hang out but I didn't know my dad would be home today." I said

"It's fine we understand maybe next time." They said we said bye one last time and they left. Now it was just Jason with us.

"So how have you been?" My dad asked him

"I've been good. How was your trip?" He said. Everyone knows my dad was in the national guard by the way.

"It was good. Just hard not being able to talk to them." He said while looking at me. I slightly smiled.

"Yea, Leah was really worried she would tell me everyday that you hadn't called and that it was really rare for you not to." He said

"I know but it was just one of those trips were every thing had to be kept on the down low. But I'm back now" He said while smiling.

"We'll I'm glad I can finally see a real smile on her face again." Jason said while looking at me and I blushed.

"I'm glad I get to see my baby girls smile again too." My dad said and I blushed even more and said

"Come on stop you guys!" And they just laughed.

"We'll I should get going or else my mom is going to be freaking out cuz I'm not home yet. It was good seeing you Mr. Ramirez." He said giving my dad a hug at the end.

"It was good seeing you too Jason. Take care." He said

Jason then looked at me and said

"Take care. Text me if you want to hang out which I doubt you will since you're dad just got back." He said while laughing

"Ha very funny you know I'll text you either way!" I said while laughing

"I know I'm just playing." He went in for a hug "bye Leah." I hugged him back and said

"Bye Jay" (short for Jason) we let go and he started to walk away. I turned to my dad and gave him my smile he knew so well and said

"Fine. But we're only driving him home alright?" I smiled and hugged him

"Thank you daddy." He just smiled

"JAY!" I yelled he turned around and I ran up to him and asked

"You want a ride home?"

"Nah it's fine my mom said she was picking me up. Thank you tho" he said

"Alrighty then ill talk to you later." I hugged him one last time before going back to where my dad was waiting for me

"He said his mom was coming for him." I said to my dad

"Alright. Then lets go home." He said, smiling at me, and then kissed my forehead again before we headed toward the car.


So I hope you guys liked this as well. I really don't want to rush into the main part of the story but more will start happened in the 4th or 5th chapter. I'm sorry if it's not that interesting right now but I promise it will get better! So comment what you think of it so far, I would really like some feed back from you. Thank you. Vote and comment please :)

Surreal (Austin Mahone FanFiction)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें