Chapter 2

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Leah's POV

When we got home I ran to my room and got my camera that I use for filming my covers and vlogs, I don't tend to do many vlogs tho, I usually just do two or three a month but my friends gave me the idea of doing them more often so that my fans know more of what I do. So right know I'm going to film.

*film starts*

"Okay hey guys! So I just got back from school and I know it's late and I usually never start a vlog this late but I got exciting news!" I say and start walking towards the living room where my dad should be. "So as you guys already know my dad has been gone for three months and I wasn't able to contact him or anything but anyway..." I walk into the living room "My daddy is back guys!" I yell and run over and sit next to him on the couch. "Say hi dad" I say

"Hey everyone hope you're day is going good." He says while smiling. He gets up and I ask

"Where are you going?"

"I'm going to make food for when your mom gets here so we can all eat." He says

"Oh alright. What are you making?" I ask him while following him to the kitchen (I'm still filming)

"I don't know probably pasta." He says

"Yes!" I yell he laughs at how excited I am for pasta.

"We'll go do your homework and whatever else it is you do on Fridays." He says

I start walking back to my room and he then yells

"Don't forget to upload today"

"I know dad I'm going to do that right now I'm just going to end the vlog." I yell back while entering my room. I close the door and then say into the camera

"Ok guys well I'm going to go. I'll try and get this edited an uploaded today after I upload my cover but if I don't get the chance I'll get it done tomorrow!" I say while smiling "I know it was short but I wanted to share the news with you guys. So I hope you guys have a good night or a good rest of the day depending on when I upload it and of course when you are watching this. We'll bye guys love you" I say while smiling I then put the camera on the tripod and I do my usual ending, a heart and I blow a kiss and say "byeee guyyyyss"

*filming ends*

After I finished filming I got my laptop out so I could upload my cover. It was going to take at least an hour so while I waited for it to upload I sorta fixed my room and I also started to edit my vlog I had just recorded. Soon after I heard my mom walk in with Jenny she called out my name so I could help bring in the groceries. After we got done with that they both finally went into the kitchen and said hi to my dad. They were both excited and my mom shed a few tears. After they got done saying their hellos to my dad I told them I was going back to my room.

I walked into my room and my video had fully uploaded and was ready to be published all I needed to do was title it and add my information to the description box. When I was done with that I clicked the publish button. It was going to be a while so I went back to the kitchen to eat with everyone.

When I went into the kitchen my mom was setting the table so I helped her out then I helped my dad set the plates. We didn't eat in complete silent we asked my dad about his trip and of course most of the questions he couldn't answer but it was nice to be able to talk to him again.

While I was picking up the table and getting ready to wash the dishes my phone started to ring and as always Jenny went to go answer it even tho I tell her not to, so when I went into my room she was sitting on my bed talking to who ever called.

"Jenny, how many times have I told you that I don't like nor do I want you answering my phone?" I said to her

"Gotta go Jay I've been caught! Bye!" She said while running out my room giving me my phone. I put my phone to my ear and said

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