Chapter 5

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It's now lunch and I'm nervous to tell them because I've come to my decision and I just hope they understand where I'm coming from. When I make it to the cafeteria I walk to the table where we always sit Madison was the only one there so both of us went to get lunch since I didn't pack one, I just hope they have something good. After getting lunch we went back to the table to sit down

M- "So the girls told me that you were going to tell us something."

L- "Yeah but I'm going to wait until everyone is here."

M- "Okay!"

I stayed quiet and Madison knew something was wrong because I'm usually talking about something and making jokes.

M- "Hey what's wrong?"

L- "Nothing I'm fine just thinking."

M- "Alright we'll if you need anything I'm here."

L- "Thanks."

M- "So did you here that Jay went out with the one girl?"

L- "Yeah and I don't want to talk bout it."

After I said that we just stayed quiet and waited for the girls. When they got there I was already done considering I only had an apple and half the milk and I know how I get when I'm hungry so I texted Jay if he could bring me the usual and I would pay him back when he got back to school and by the usual I mean an Arizona sweet tea and hot fries. After I went to throw my trash I out I went back to the table to tell the girls.

(JA- Jackie, S- Sarah, JN- Jen, P- Pam, L- Leah, and M- Madison)

L- "So guys I got some news to tell you."

S- "Oh my gosh yes I've been thinking about that since the morning!"

L- "Alrighty, so there's this guys named Mark.."

M- "Oh my gosh you have a boyfriend?!?"

L- "No I don't just let me finish, so Mark talked to my parents and told them that he wants to sign me to his management as a singer."

JA- "Wait he wants to sign you to become a singer?"

L- "To help me become a singer, but the thing is that he's down in LA."

P- "So go for it!"

L- "That's the thing I want to go for it but I don't want to leave you guys, so if I say yes he flies me and my mom or dad down to LA and he shows me around and at the end if I do sign with him then there's a possibility i would have to move down there for it to be easier."

They all stayed quiet for a long time

JN- "We'll I say you should go for it I mean you want to live your dreams and in order to do that there are obviously things you have to give up to be what you want to and mean its not like we won't see each other we can hang out when you come down here or we can go see you."

S- " Yeah we can make this work out just dot turn down this opportunity you are getting because of us."

JA- "I say go for it as we'll!"

M- "Me too!"

L- "We'll you guys made this part easier..I'm going to go and if I like it I will say yes to him!"

S- "Yay! So have you told Jay?"

L- "No but I feel like it's going to be harder to tell him."

M- "Actually I think you already did" she said while pointing behind me.

I turned around and he was standing there

L- "Jay um how long have you been there?"

J- "Long enough to hear that you're going to LA."

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