Chapter 12

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We finally arrived at a Starbucks
"Oh my gosh! I love Starbucks!" I said in excitement
"I thought you would like it here" Daniel said
We went up and asked for our drinks, I ordered a mocha frappe and Daniel ordered the same. They gave us our drinks and I was about to sit down but then Daniel said
"We're not staying, were going to the beach"
"Oh sounds good to me" I said
We started to walk towards the beach since it was nice out and it wasn't that far, and Daniel once again held my hand and I didn't pull away cuz it was kinda nice.
"So tell me more about yourself." I said
"Um..well I basically told you everything at lunch." He said
"Well that was more about your family. I want to know about you now like...what do you want to be when your older?" I asked
"Um I'm not sure actually. What do you want to be?" He asked
"Um..." I said until he interrupted me
"Dumb question you're probably already a what you wanted to be." He said while laughing
"Well, no actually I'm not." I said
"What do you mean?" He asked
"First got three reasons, one is all this isn't for sure, two is before all this came into the picture I wanted to be a photographer, and three..actually I don't have a three." I said with a giggle
"Wait" he said while coming in front of me and we stopped walking "so you're telling me that you don't want to do all this? You're an amazing singing, and you have so many people that support you, how can you not want all this?"
"It's not that I don't want it but the fact that if I do chose all this that means I have to give up certain things like being close to my friends, my family, moving out here, not having my privacy and being followed by people everywhere I go, and I'm not ready to give up my teenage years, there's more to the package of becoming someone big other than all the good that will come from it." I said
"Well you got a point there but I mean I can see it in your eyes how much you actually want al this and yeah there will be sacrifices to it but in the end you'll be doing what you love and making people happy and showing how much you love and appreciate them in ways that you can't do without being signed." He said
"I know but I still got until Friday to figure it out." I said
"Well I'll just say one last thing, do what your heart tells you no matter the sacrifices." He said and then went back to my side, grabbed my hand, and we started walking again. We stayed quiet for a while until I asked
"So how did you get into the while production thing?"
"Well for one I'm not part of production and second I started auditions for videos since I was 12 and I never really got a permanent job until last year when I auditioned for Billy's cast and now whenever he need a lead guy he usually calls me since I'm flexible won't schedules and such." He explained
"Oh well that nice. Do you ever get parts that you don't like or that your parents don't approve of?" I asked
"Not really because on the contract we signed we made him add that I wouldn't be put into anything that isn't my age appropriate." He said
"Ooh.. So are you home schooled or do you go to a high school?" I asked him
"Well it's kinda both like for work and learning things I do it homeschool style but for test and exams I have to go to the high school and take them there." He said
"Well at least you don't have to put up with anyone unpleasant or those mean as teachers." I said
"Yea but at the same time I wish I could have those experiences but in order for me to be part of what I'm doing I had to get out of school." He said
"You I see, and that's one of the reasons why I don't want to do this whole thing sometimes." I said
"Well eventually you'll know what you want more. We're here by the way so you might want to take your shoes of." He said
"Yeah." We let go hands and I gave him my drink to grab while I took my shoes of and when I was done I grabbed the drinks from him while he took of his shoes, and then we started walking on the sand and when we got close to shore we sat down and just drank our drinks while looking of into the ocean. After a while Daniel spoke up
"It was a calm night like tonight, we had gathered everyone for a family reunion. We were in the front yard just kicking a soccer ball around and the rest of my family is in the back, and i kicked the ball put i kicked it to hard and it went into the street and he ran to get it but didn't see that a car was coming and the car didn't see him and he got ran over by a car.." he said while full on crying I was crying as well but I got closer to him and hugged him and he cried in my arms, after he calmed down a bit I let go and said
"You don't have to keep going it's ok."
"No it's fine I want I yelled for my mom and dad and everyone came up front but by then the guy had left and there was my brother on the ground. I was in shock at first so I didn't react quick enough but everyone else was already around my brother and the neighbors had come out and they had called the police. When I finally reacted I went over to were everyone was and they were all crying and my mom had him in her arms and she was crying and screaming and my dad was holding her and I went down on my knees next to them and I saw his lifeless body and I cried and screamed and when the ambulance and police got there they said that he died on impact and they took him." He finished of still crying we stayed quit for a while and I asked
"How old was he?"
"12. His name was David or Dave how I like to call him and he would always call me Danny and after that happened every time someone would call me that it would make me mad because it reminded me of him and then that whole day would come back and I would correct everyone from then and tell them to call me Daniel that's why I got sorta mad and snatched my stuff away from you earlier it'd been so long since someone called me that it sorta triggered that anger I have towards myself." He said
"Why are you angry at yourself it wasn't your fault it was that stupid drivers fault." I said
"I know it was but I feel like it was since I was the one who kicked the ball and I don't blame myself as much no more since my parents had me go to psychologist but I still sometimes feel like it was." He said
"How long ago was this?" I asked
"2 years so I was fourteen at the time" he said
"I'm sorry....I don't know what else to say." I said
"It's fine but it feels good to talk about it I haven't talked to anyone about it, and he's also the reason why I stuck with this job because he was so happy to see me doing this and living y dream." He said
"Well I'm sure he's extremely proud of you. Oh and by the way I'm sorry about calling you Danny earlier I don't know why I did it just came out." I said
"No it's fines to be honest with you it was kinda nice hearing someone call me that so if you want you can call me d..anny" he said
"You sure?" I asked
"Yea I thinks it's time to let go. I think you calling me Danny was his way of saying it's time and it's okay to let go." He said while some more tears ran down his cheek. I looked at him and hugged him again and he hugged me back
"If you ever need anyone I'm here for you and I know we just met earlier today but I feel like I've known you for a while now." I said while smiling
"I feel the same way actually." He said and then checked the time on his phone "I think we should get going it's already 12"
"Alright" I said while getting up we started walking towards the street an we threw out our cups in a trash can that was near and then he called a taxi and we waited for it and when it came I told him where my hotel was. The taxi ride was pretty quiet and when we got to my hotel we exchanged number and then I said bye and went into the hotel and the cab driver drove of. I walked up to the room and went in quietly trying not to wake my dad but he wasn't even asleep
"It's about time you get back, missy" he said sounding upset
"Sorry we got caught up in talking and lost track of time." I explained
"I'm kidding but it is kinda late did you have fun?" He asked while laughing
"Yea it was nice" I said while having a smile on my face and walking into the bathroom to change into my pajamas and while I was changing I got a message
"Danny <3
Goodnight gorgeous! :)"
Don't ask why it has a heart he put it like that. I replied with
"Goodnight weirdo aha :)"
He didn't respond back and I finished changing and got out of the bathroom and went to my bed and went to sleep after tweeting
Such a great night! You got me cheesin' like there's no tomorrow :D "
Goodnight lovelies!! Got a huge surprise for you guys soon! :) "
Thanks for reading!! Hope you guys liked it sorry for any mistakes! Comment and vote please! :)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2014 ⏰

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