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Hi I'm Leah I'm 15 years old, I have long dark brown naturally straight hair, I have light brown eyes, I'm 5'3, and I'm also Hispanic. I have an older brother named Ivan that's 18 and a younger sister named Jenny that's 10. I live with my mom, dad, and sister in Grand Rapids, Michigan. My brother moved to California to go to the University of California to become a videographer so that's why he doesn't live with us.

I'm in 10th grade and let me tell you I'm not that great with school but I'm also not bad I'm in between I guess. I have seven best friends that have been there for me since eighth grade which is when I moved to Michigan, there's Jen, Sarah, Jackie, Kylie, Madison, Pamela, and my only guy friend I can actually count on Jason. They have supported me and have been there for me in ways no one else has and I honestly couldn't of have asked for better friends.

I'm also a BIG fan of Austin Mahone. Yes, I'm a Mahomie and I'm proud! But if you're wondering no I have never meet or seen him in concert, the closest I've been to him is by seeing him on my computer and phone screen. He's sorta kinda the reason why I got into the whole singing thing, which I will explain in a bit, so he's also my idol and I look up to him and also his music has been there for me when I've felt down or alone. So yeah, btw, Haters Gunna Hate, Mahomies Gunna Love!

So the summer before freshman year I posted a video of me singing on YouTube. At first I was iffy about posting it but I ended up posting it either way with the motivation of my friends. I posted more and more and since then I've made a couple of fans. I wouldn't consider myself "famous" not matter what my social media says or has on it, I'm just that one girl from Michigan who posts videos on YouTube for fun. I also haven't let anything that has happened in the past year get to my head and if it does my friends know what to do, lets just say I gave them permission to knock some sense into me if it came down to it. But anyway my friends, family, and fans tell me I can make it one day but I have my doubts, don't get me wrong it would be amazing to be well known by everyone and be signed and maybe have chance at making a career of my singing but things like that never happen to someone like me but you know what, whatever happens happens I just let my days go by and I go with the flow, most of the time.


I hope you guys like it so far. I know it's not much but it's my first time writing and I'm very nervous to publish it so leave me some feed back please and what you think of it so far. Thank you. Vote and comment please :)

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