Chapter 9

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When we got back to the hotel Mark was there waiting for us.

"So would you like to explain to me what happened?" He asked

All eyes were on me now.

"I um.....sorta tweeted out that I was at the Walk of Fame and if they wanted to they could go meet me." I said nervously

"But it was just supposed to be you spending time with your brother before he goes back to college tomorrow." Mark said

"I know but I didn't think it would end up how it did. I mean I have done meet ups in Michigan whenever I go out to the mall and other places and this never happened so I thought it would be the same." I said

"Next time ask before you tweet anything about meeting up, because you could've gotten hurt and possibly in trouble by the police." He said

"Ok I'm sorry I just wanted to give my fans that live out here the chance to meet me like the ones in Michigan." I said

"We'll maybe we can work something out so the meet up can be safe for you as we'll as for them." He said

"Ok thanks! And I'm really sorry if I would've known this would happen I wouldn't of had done it." I said

"It's fine at least your alright and they got you out before anything to dangerous happened." He said

Mark left after talking to me about what had happened and my dad, brother, and I had gone out to eat at a Mexican restaurant that was a couple of blocks away from the hotel.

After diner we went back to the hotel and just watched movies until we feel asleep.

*Next Day*

I woke up to the delicious smell of pancakes. I rubbed my eyes and stretched before getting up. When I finally looked around there was a cart with pancakes on it and my dad and brother were already eating.

"Thanks for waking me up guys! I really appreciate it!" I said

"No problem" my brother said

Before eating I decided to get ready so I went into the bathroom to shower, brush my teeth, clean my face, and change. I put on a maroon colored pencil skirt, a white flawy crop top and my white converse. I did my make up which was eyeshadow, eyeliner on the top and bottom, mascara, and my dark red lipstick. I went out of the bathroom and put my pajamas on my suitcase for later and then finally went to eat breakfast.

After breakfast we went to go drop off my brother at the dorms.

"We'll I guess this is it." I said

"Yeah I guess so." My brother said

"I'm going to miss you so much." I said while hugging him

"I'm going to miss you too, but this school year will be over before you know it, and hey maybe you will be living over here by then." He said

"Yeah maybe, but I'm still not sure about taking the offer. I mean it's amazing what I've been able to do while I'm here but there is so much I will have to give up and I don't know if I want to do that." I said

"We'll you may have to give up a lot but it's a once in a life time chance they are giving you don't let it go to waist just because you're scared of giving things up." He said while looking me straight in the eyes.

"I know it is but I mean is it really worth it to lose the closeness i have my friends and family. And then the fact that once I get into this world people will be on me non stop, following me everywhere, getting into my personal business, making rumors, I'm not ready to lose my privacy or my teen experiences, like prom, homecoming, football games, graduation, and a lot of other things." I said while looking around

"I know how passionate you are about your music and wanting to make something about it. Yeah you will have less privacy and have to give up a lot of things but don't let what you have worked for, for so long and do hard go to waist because of that. When you go to the concert and if you get to meet the performers then ask them questions don't hold back get your questions answered and afterwards when you're all set and done and ready to go back to Michigan go for a walk on the beach and just think about everything you have experienced and figure out if you want to give it up or make something bigger of it. Don't think about anything but what you want to do, if you can imagine yourself being on a stage, going around the world, doing interviews, meeting fans, and just enjoying the whole experience don't let this opportunity go to waist." He said

"Ok. Thanks it really means a lot, you opened my eyes to look beyond the things I would have to give up." I said while hugging him again

"No problem I'm always here for you when you need me." He said hugging me back.

"Alright Ivan we have to go, Mark is waiting for us at the studio." My dad said while walking up to us. He had gone of to the side to give me and Ivan some time to talk.

"Alrighty then take care guys. Call me before you leave back to Michigan. I love y'all." Ivan said while giving us each a hug.

"Wait let's get one last picture before we leave." I said while handing my phone to my dad. I went next to Ivan and we hugged each other and looked at the camera. Then my dad took a picture with my brother, and for the last one we got Gary our driver to take a picture of all of us, I was in between my dad and Ivan we were hugging with out faces touching and facing the camera. We said our last goodbyes and me being the emotional person I am cried. We watched my brother walk back into the dorms and when we couldn't see him no more we started to walk back to the car, my dad had his arm around my shoulder while we walked.

"You're such a cry baby." My dad said while lightly laughing

"I know but no matter how many times I say bye or see ya later. It always gets to me because we're so close and it's not the same without him by my side 24/7." I said while wiping my eyes

"I know kiddo but it's what he decided, and what he had to do to pursue his dreams and one day you will sadly have to do the same." He said while rubbing up and down on my arm.

"Yea I know." I cried more, I wasn't full on sobbing but I did have tears escaping. "Geez I took so long in getting my make up right and now it's all ruined." I said while laughing.

My dad just laughed and opened the door to the limo for me. We got in and told Gary to take us to the studio and we were of to my music video shoot.


So I was supposed to update earlier but I was voting so yea but hope you enjoyed this chapter and I will have the next one up ASAP. Thank you guys for reading it means a lot. :) and KEEP VOTING FOR AUSTIN TO WIN THE VMA! Don't forget to comment and vote! :)

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