Arthur Morgan ~Wolves~

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Looks who's back after a fucking month!

'I've been running with the wolves to get to you'

You sat down on a bench inside the train station, your head leaning back as you thought through your journey. It had been a while. A while since you'd seen those heavy blue eyes and that dusty hair of his. Months since you'd held him close. Just...ages. It had started so long ago you'd almost forgotten but the things you endured on this trip had broken you. You sat on the bench tears welling in your eyes.

- - -

An ambush on yourself and some of the gentlemen from camp one day, a bloodbath that was so confusing. Arthur had not wanted you to go, he thought it would be dangerous. You guess he was right because you were taken. Bounty Hunters. About twenty. Yet only two were left and those two took you.

They took you back to their camp, a camp so far away that when you managed to escape and kill the bastards it took you a few weeks to get back to your camp on foot. When you got there...they had moved. You were battered and bruised, they'd attempted to get you to spill over and tell them everything but you wouldn't.

You grabbed newspapers whenever you had the money as you travelled towards where you believed they had gone. You took every scrap about the Van Der Linde gang, placing them together this helped you roughly find their locations. You'd also found one that read:

Body of Van Der Linde girl found.
Y/F/N's body was found after a vicious fight between some of the gang and fearless bounty hunters trying to bring them to justice. A sheriff of the local town stated that he had found her body lying face down with several rounds of ammunition in her. The body has been burnt and disposed of in the hopes that her camp friends will not try to track the corpse down.

You were dead. You were going to give up ready to just move on with your life, forget the gang and start afresh. But the thought of Arthur kept you going. You continued onwards. Five months later tales of the gang being in a place called Blackwater had come to you. Riding and resting. Not sleeping. Starving. Then you found it. Blackwater. You were finally back!

You rushed around looking in any place they would have set up camp. Then you made your way to the town. Asking, pleading and begging for any kind of information, that's when you'd seen the posters. Turns out they'd robbed a boat and it had gone South about two weeks beforehand. All they knew was that they'd gone further East.

So you got a train to the nearest town. Valentine. You walked up to the post office which was ever so conveniently in the station. You weakly smiled at the clerk before speaking.
"Is there any mail for a Tacitus Kilgore?" You asked, holding on to your last bit of hope. The man stopped. Looked. Passed you two letters. You took them shakily and sat down.

- - -

You felt the tears falling down your face. They were here. All you had to do was wait. And wait was what you were committing to. You didn't care whether it took days for someone to come. You'd loiter as long as you could.

You stood from your seat to get some fresh air as another train came to a stop. The weather was sunny and fine. Birds rushed around. Sheep called from over the road. You'd been leaning against the railing for half an hour when you heard a familiar voice. Deep and gruff. It caused your heart to pound and pound. Why was the leader of the gang getting the mail, usually it was someone else.
"Someone already took the mail?" Dutch asked.
"A woman, she went out that door about twenty minutes ago, sir"
"Thank you" Dutch huffed before walking. You could hear his footsteps getting closer and closer.

The door opened and he walked past you, not paying attention to you. He whistled for The Count as he swaggered down the slope. Stopping and waiting for his trusted steed. This was your chance to get his attention...or follow him. You took a deep breath as the white horse trotted around the corner.
"Mr Kilgore!" You called slowly making your way down the slope after him. You stared while he turned with a bewildered look on his face. Then he saw you. "I believe these are yours?" You swallowed hard as you rushed down and passed the letters to him.

He stared for a moment, not moving just clutching the letters. Then his arms wrapped around you.
"Y/N!" He laughed, happy tears almost started to build in his eyes "I thought you was dead!" You'd never been held so tight by him. After a long hug and a bit of talking he guided you to his horse where you both saddled up.
"I was going to do some errands but that don't matter no more, gotta get you back!" With that, he spurred The Count away from the town.

It was barely a blink and you were back at the camp which was covered by a thick wood. Your heart began to thud again as the horse came to a stop near a hitching point. Dutch jumped down and tired up the count, his hand helping you down as he called out towards your family.
"Everyone! Everyone! Gather round for a moment!" You turned your back away from them as people made their way towards the middle of the camp. There was a silence across the people as Dutch spoke. "Look who I found strutting around town.." He turned to you "Now, do I have to force you to look or.."

You did as he said, meeting the eyes of your old companions.
"Good morning" You smiled, walking up to Dutch. There was a chorus of 'Y/N?' As they realised. You walked over to the group getting an embrace from most of the people. The crowd suddenly erupted into questions and speaking already overwhelming you. You were tired and hungry and sore. You needed Arthur. Miss Grimshaw was the first to notice this, she clapped her hands together, made some point of everyone getting back to work and that you could speak to everyone later when you had rested.

Susan lead you away from the bustle, over towards a boiling pot of stew which made you smile, Pearson's stew it may not taste the greatest but it was home. She poured you a bowl and a cup of coffee then got you sat down at the table. Before you did anything you needed to ask,
"Where is he, tell me he's okay Miss Grimshaw?!" She smiled.
"He's just fine my dear, he's gone hunting with Charles" She explained. You felt relief fill your body, he would be back soon. You'd be back
together finally.

You finished your meal and your drink quickly as you told Miss Grimshaw what had happened. And once you'd finished you knew there was only one person you wanted to see before Arthur got back. He was sat on a rock towards the edge of camp, reading a book.

"Hosea Matthews" You smiled sitting down next to him. He closed his book and set it down.
"It's so, so good to see you, Y/N" He smiled, his arm coming around your shoulders slightly.
"I've missed you, especially you" You chuckled. You were already settled back in. There was a quiet moment between you before you spoke again. "What was he like...when it all happened?" Hosea's eyes closed for a second before the told you.
"He missed you. It weren't the first time I'd seen him cry but it was the hardest, I saw the newspaper, I knew Dutch needed to know, I knew he needed to know. Just like every passing we've had, it's never easy, you know this. He took it hard. Blamed himself as I knew he would. Drank. He drank heavy for a couple days after we'd placed down a grave for you, drank until I took the bottle from him, I didn't want him turning into a hat I turned into. Took him weeks to get back up. He still ain't right. But trust me, as soon as he sees you...all that will fade-"

Like magic, Arthur's name was heard from behind you.
"Oh, ho, my son!" Dutch called.
"He's back," You told Hosea. Then you heard Arthur speaking back, you felt your breath leaving your body as you listened.
"Why you so happy Dutch, found another person to scam?" There was this sarcastic tone in his voice, as though happiness had left and been replaced by that. It wasn't quite the Arthur you'd left, but you were ready to bring that Arthur Morgan back.
"You wait just here my boy, just here," Dutch told him.
"I don't-"
"Don't move, there's someone who wants to see you" Dutch instructed.
"Go on" Hosea pushed you up and gave you a nod.

You picked up your skirt slightly before hurrying towards that voice, that voice you hadn't heard for so long. The voice that had kept you going for months and months. You dashed past a couple of tents. Stopping when you saw him stood, the love of your life standing there next to his steed, tired and lonely and sad. Your hand come up and covered your mouth as tears welled once again in your eyes.
"Well, you can tell this person I don't want to see them!" Arthur argued, unsaddling his horse and letting the animal saunter off towards a hay bale. He still hadn't noticed you, even though you stood barely seconds away. You took a deep breath before shouting out to him,
"Why don't you tell them yourself!?" Once again eyes of the camp were on you.

Arthur's head moved in your direction. The saddle fell from his hand. You both stood. Staring. Not making a sound. You took hold of your skirt once again. Your feet bounded towards him. A tear fell down his face as you jumped into his arms. He took hold of you. Clutching you so tight. Tighter than ever before. It almost hurt with how much was squeezing you. But you didn't want it to stop, not now, not ever. You were home, you were safe. You'd cried with the wolves to get back and now you were.

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