~They realise that they love you~

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So, I read a fanfic where they do these sort of things so I thought why not try one out and see if you guys like it? And if you do let me know. If you guys want more or other characters just comment. Just really wanted to get this out for ya'll seeing as it usually takes me a while to write. Furthermore, this is just a trial run so if you do like this suggest some scenarios and some characters and I'll put it together :)

It dawns on him while you're riding together, you're laughing over some memory of the both of you together.
"You remember don't you!" You recalled to him "You gave me a flower and it was kinda crumpled because you were holding it so tight, then I kissed your cheek and said thank you and you went all red and Hosea was watching from over a book with a little smile of pride" Your eyes narrowed as you laughed loudly. Your hair looked so pretty in the sunlight, as did your skin and your smile and your everything. Arthur smiled to himself, he must have been about eighteen when he did that, he remembered how awfully nervous he was and how some of that still resided inside of him. Then it hits him, like a train or a stagecoach. He loves you. His heart thugs as he realises. His palms become clammy and he's not listening to what you're saying but he pretends he is as he thinks about it all in great detail, he really does love you, it's this overwhelming thought of 'I don't want to lose this person. I love them.' But he doesn't know how to say it. He becomes quiet as doubts flood his mind, he doesn't want to be hurt, not again, he'd lost too much in his life, his mother, his father, he lost friends and family, he almost thought it was a curse. Was there a possibility that if he told you he loved you, might he lose you too?

You took notice of his silence and stopped talking yourself. It had taken a while for you too to get together, you'd wanted him since he gave you that flower, but he had others. Eliza and Mary. His son, Isaac. You remembered how broken he was after that. How much you just wanted to fix that. To make him feel better. He became a little cold after that. Then Mary came along and damaged his heart. It took this long. Maybe he was reflecting? Maybe he was realising that he didn't care that much about you?

Later in the day, you were sat on a rock toward the edge of camp, in your hand sat a journal. Your hand ran across the pages as you read your old entries. Your handwriting had improved a lot, you observed. Arthur and you both went quiet on the way back from the riding trip. You were silent when you came back into camp and he'd instantly walked off. You deduced that he needed space to think. Think about you two, whether this was the right option, to be together. You shook your head, he was probably just worried about the last few weeks they had been hectic.

Arthur went to the first person he knew could help, Hosea. He was sat down reading when the cowboy came to him. At first, Arthur didn't say anything he just kind of stood for a second around the campfire.
"You seem troubled Arthur" Hosea spoke first.
"It's Y/N" Arthur told him finally speaking. "I love her, I know I do, but if I tell her im worried that...." He trailed off. "Because Mary and Eliza, if I- will she- I mean-" Arthur wasn't so good with words, not when it came to expressing his feelings. Hosea seemed to understand.
"If you don't tell her now, then if something does happen to her she'll never know," Hosea told him. Hosea was pretty straight forward Arthur liked that about him.
"Thank you" He nodded before walking away. Hosea had a cute little smug smile that Arthur didn't see as he marched towards you.

The march became a timid little tiptoe when he saw you sat there, on a rock, head in a book.

You could tell someone was behind you, you could feel a presence lingering over your shoulder.
"What you up to?" Arthur asked as his hand came to rest on your shoulder, you brought a hand to settle on his your thumb rubbing against his tough and bruised knuckles.

His eyes scanned your page, stopping on the small crumpled flower.
"I've still got it," You told him.
"I noticed" He nodded, you could tell he was nervous about something. You closed your book and stood to face him.
"You okay?" You asked tilting your head at him, his eyes looked down to the ground. "Arthur...please?" Your brows furrowed and your hand took his. "Tell me what's wrong, I can't stand silence" You could feel tears pricking your eyes. He was about to break things off you just knew it.

Arthur let out a breath before looking into your eyes.
"I love you," He told you. You stopped completely, everything in your body shut down. You managed to croak out a simple,
"Really?" Tears of happiness fell down your face. He didn't say anything. He couldn't quite tell how you were feeling "Oh, Arthur I love you too, you silly man!" You exclaimed as you moved around the rock to embrace him tightly. Arthur let out a sigh of relief.
"Good, I was worried" He confessed.
"You worry too much Mr Morgan" You rolled your eyes behind his back as his hands held you so tight. So tight you never wanted him to let go of you.

Dutch's hand took yours as he brought you to the front of his tent where music played loudly. He swayed with you in his arms so softly you felt as though you were gliding.
"You look gorgeous" Dutch mentioned, ever such the charmer.
"And you look handsome as always" You smiled as another couple joined you. You didn't bother checking who as you were far too focused on your lover. Dutch seemed a little off, you could tell, he had been for the full day, ever since you two had been reading together. He just became quiet as though he was pondering. You told yourself it was just planning ahead, so you'd kept yourself quiet too.

Dutch's hand was dangerously low on your back and it slipped down just a little lower. Your hand fell from his shoulder to put his back in its place.
"Behave yourself" You warned. He let back a chuckle before twirling you around. There was a little more swaying, a little more twirls and a few flirty remarks then he went thoughtful again. You were humming to the music when he announced it, quietly, to only you two.
"I love you" He whispered.

Your heart stopped. You weren't sure you heard him right.
"Do you mean that?" You inquired begging for him to not be messing with you.
"I had to think about it but yes, I do mean it" Your heart was nearly bursting from your chest.
"I love you too" You told him, pulling back to look into his eyes before you stood on your to toes to kiss his lips. His hands gripped you tightly as though he didn't want to let you go. You didn't want to let him go either.

You're getting down and dirty with your Irishman when he's hit with this sudden realisation.

There you are, together in a hotel room, you half undressed stood in your undergarments when it comes to light. He just sees this beautiful person, he feels like the luckiest man alive, it warms his heart as he thinks of it. He stares at you with a cute little smile before he confesses.
"Oh, I love you, Y/N!"
"Shut up" You laugh, not really taking him seriously.
"I mean it" He reinforces his point while he looks at you, his eyes running up and down you.
"Really?" You ask as you saunter forward to stand in front of him.
"Really." He nods. You lean down and kiss him lightly.
"I love you too" You smile, then suddenly he pulls you down onto the bed with him, hands on your hips, eyes locking on your eyes and it's one hell of a night from then.

"Speak of the devil!" You call as the blonde stumbles over, you'd just been sat with Tilly, singing her praises. Karen smiles drunkenly and looks at you for a couple of seconds. She slurs her words,
"I...just wanted to let you know" She looks at you with half-closed eyes as if she's about to fall into a slumber but she still spills out her words like a faucet. "I love you"
You look at Tilly then back at Karen. Tilly smiles and gets up
"I'll leave ya'll to talk" She walks away turning back a few times to watch.                                          "You are so lovely," Karen tells you.

"Karen, do you mean that?" You ask "You love me?"

She's quiet for a couple of seconds and then she nods.
"Yes, I love you" She nods again.
"I love you too" You smile and take her hand pulling her down so she's sat with you. Her head rests lightly on your shoulder in the evening light. You see Tilly and Mary-Beth from the other side of camp looking at you with beaming smiles whispering to each other. Everything feels amazing, you'd never felt so safe before.

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