John Marston ~A Little Shaken~

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!!!TW: Reference towards Sexual assault!!! TW bit is in bold so you can just skip over it if you want.

After an awful encounter during a robbery, you are left disturbed and unsettled which affects you greatly but don't worry, someones always there for you...

You watch from the trees as a skinny white man walks back into his farmhouse, it was a decent size, with two floors and a small track that ran to his porch. John shakes his head at you once again,
"Rob him?" He inquires once again. So you tell him once again,
"Yes, that's the reason I asked you out here John" 
The farmer walks through his door and shuts it behind him with a small slam.
"You sure? You don't use guns" He reminds you as he folds his arms towards you.
"I said rob not kill the bastard, Christ" You throw your hands up into a shrug as you turn to face his scarred face.
"So you got a plan?"
"Uh Huh" You hum and nod as you admire him, nicely healed scar and those eyes of his and those lips.

There's a short silence as you both look at each other, John is the first to break it,
"And the plan is?" He smiles slightly as he speaks.
"Oh, yeah!" You laugh at the way your mind managed to trail away from the main objective before continuing on "I reckon I tell him some stupid story, something like I live In Emerald Ranch and I just got robbed by some men on the way here, I get him out the house ask him if he'll take me back for a nice little reward and while we're gone you rob him blind then meet me at Emerald Ranch" You spit out so many words that you doubt your friend can comprehend them so you take a few seconds and wait for him to catch up, you turn back to face the house before his questions start.
"What happens if it goes wrong?" John asks.
"We leave quickly and quietly without killing anyone"
"And If he pulls a gun on you, then what?" He states the obvious. But you're confident in your plan and sure you could leave without murdering a person.
"John Marston you can barely read but I've seen you write letters before" You retort. John snorts slightly an almost laugh, he's laughing at you.
"You're comparin' life and death to readin' and writin' Y/N" He shakes his head in disapproval.
"I'll be fine John" He's not convinced. "Fine...If anything happens I'll call for you, but I ain't killing anyone, not ever" You promise yourself. As always.

You have never killed anyone, not personally, you'd help to by maybe distracting them or hurting them a bit but you'd never actually killed one. You'd never looked at a dead body neither, never laid your eyes upon a corpse, apart from Davey's and that made you sick, physically sick. You remember waiting for his body to be taken away before rushing out the door and chucking up your guts in the snow. You shudder at the memory which earns a confused face from your companion.

John gives you a nod,
"You ready?" He asks as he makes his horse flee off in another direction, you follow suit before answering.
"As I'll ever be," You tell him as you take a deep breath. You're about to walk away when John's hand reaches for your arm, goosebumps form that are hard to conceal from him.
"Take this" He presses a revolver into your hand. You shake your head and shove it back in his hand.
"I'm not going to-"
"Take the damn gun" He demands, you look into his eyes with a face of surprise but decide it's probably for the best.
"I ain't using it" You remind him as you turn back around, you place the gun in the back of your jeans and start to walk towards the farmhouse.

You take one last look at John who gives you a quick nod and then slowly stalks into the woods beside the house. You continue onwards and soon enough you're at the porch. You hesitate for a second suddenly filling with though something will happen. But before you can turn around the door is opened slowly and a man walks out holding a shotgun.

He points the barrels towards you and already your heart pounds within your chest, hard enough it feels as though it's to burst out any second. In a deep southern accent the man spits out,
"What do you want?" His face sneers but when he realises you're on your own and basically harmless he stops.
"Scuse me sir but I..I live up near Emerald Ranch...thataway" You point roughly in the direction and he nods.
"Yes?" He questions, you can tell he doesn't like guests. The farm animals behind you neigh and moo and ba as you speak to the man.
"I was on my way down from there and some men tried to attack me, took my horse and told me that if I didn't give them it they'd kill me"
"And what do you want me to do about that?" He asked becoming impatient.
"I just need a ride back to Emerald Ranch...I can walk the rest of the way-" Before you can finish your sentence he goes to shut the door. "-Please sir!" You beg which catches his attention. "I'll reward you-" There's a glint in his eye. Your stomach twists.
"Come inside" His tone changes.

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