Micah Bell ~Alone Time~

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Solitude. Isolation. Silence. Having a break. Things that simply didn't happen while in camp. It was just as rare when you went out too. There was always something to come get you whether it was a certain rival gang or some bastard one of the men had caused conflict with, you'd always end up in some kind of scuff or confrontation. But recently you'd found a very secluded spot. Not too far from Clemens Point, your recent dwelling. It was in the middle of trees and bushes. A small river. Perfect for swimming. Especially on such a hot day.

You unsaddled your horse and placed it down next to a tree. You slipped off your clothes down to your undergarments deciding it was best to keep them on...just in case. With your clothes folded and neatly placed on the side along with a gun also just in case, you slid yourself in.

The water was cold but so refreshing. Your body ached for this, for relaxation and peace. All you needed was Javier and his guitar and it really would be beautiful.

You'd thought of bringing Mary-Beth with you but she was being told off by Grimshaw as you were departing so you decided against it because if you had, you just knew you'd have to do some work too. Anyway, you pushed the thought to the back of your mind and just enjoyed the free time.

The water was kind of muddy but you could still see the fish dart and dive. You ran your hands through the water while on your back. Listening to it. The water, the trees, the wind, the birds, the closing in hooves.


You stood up quickly and as quietly as possible you swam towards your firearm. You couldn't really tell where they were coming from but they were definitely coming towards you. Then they stopped. You shook your head and placed down your weapon. Hearing things.

Soon you completely forgot the world again and went back to swimming about. Under the water. Back up again. Twirling. Dancing. Living. Then came the footsteps again. For real. They were definitely there. You splashed your way over to your gun, checking it was fully loaded and ready, which of course it was. The soft grunt of a horse echoed around you. You placed your finger over the trigger.
"Who's there?" You asked the forest around you. No answer. "I'm armed and I won't hesitate to shoot you unless you make yourself known now" Still nothing. But the walking still came towards you. Your heart thudded in your chest as you spun around in the water trying to get a glimpse of the individual.

Then a familiar smug voice came from behind you, in the trees and bushes. Micah.
"You like the way that gun feels in your hand?" He asked. You rolled your eyes to yourself and turned around to face him as he emerged.
"So, stalking now are we Mr Bell?" You questioned as you watched him step towards the river you floated in, a burning cigarette in his mouth, scuffing his boots as he walked. He spoke with a little chuckle,
"I bet you wish that I was" His free hand came down to land on his gun belt while you sarcastically confessed to him,
"Of course, the camp jerk following me, that really gets me going" You hoisted yourself up onto the embankment as he gazed at you with a soft look, something he'd never really done before, you stood up as you spoke "Anway, what are you doing here?"
"Dutch asked me to follow you, said he'd noticed you kept leavin' camp, figured you had some secret" He shrugged as he moved toward you, step by step, slowly. He smiled as he realised he could taunt you. "Now wait 'till I get back and tell 'em you got a secret spot for your 'alone time' wonder how they'd react"
"Micah please don't" You pleaded, realising that if everyone knew, everyone would want to come and you'd rather not see Uncle all booze up and half-naked. No, it was Uncle, he'd be fully naked.
"Why not?" He asked as he stopped walking and leaned against a tree with his arms folded, cigarette still hanging from his mouth.
Your feet sat in the water, slowly swishing it around in circles.
"Because it's- it's private if you tell everyone they'd want to come too" You admitted, looking down into the depths below.

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