Dutch Van Der Linde ~An Honest Mistake~

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Hello everyone, I have some exciting news for you which you'll find out very soon, but for now I'll let you read:

Ele x

Red stretched across the sky as the sun continued fading in the horizon. The perfect time for fishing some would say. For you, this was the perfect time to rob folk. Who would expect a sweet innocent young woman on her daily walk to be such a swift robber? No one is the answer. You'd robbed tons of people and yet not been spotted once. 

This man attracted your eye, sticking out like a sore thumb. You'd seen plenty of fancy-dressed gentlemen but this one, this one was different. He'd wear fancy red colours, he had shiny black hair and you'd got close enough to see the weapons in his holsters and the rings on his fingers, gold. You knew he wasn't a lonely wanderer, oh no, he had a group. He'd been in town with a large gathering of men, about eight of them came for a drink in the bars every few days and cause havoc, but they spent and spent. Rich men like them didn't need their wealth, they would flaunt it like a fancy hat or they'd buy a fancy hat with their money so they could flaunt it that way instead. 

As church bells rang to notify you of the time. Seven Oclock. You positioned yourself outside of a house diagonal from the bar the men so liked. Then you waited. It wasn't until seven-thirty that you heard the hooves of horses and the voices of loudmouths coming down the street. You gave subtle looks not wanting to draw any of their attention to you, not even a glance. This time they were in a  wagon of sorts, all eight of them, and there he sat. Whoever he was sat proudly as an older man drove. You took another peak as they drove past you accidentally making contact with the youngest of the men it seemed. You gave him a very quick smile before looking away just a fast.

They made swift work of getting drunk. Another half-hour later the bar was full of laughter and music. This was your chance, get in while it was bustling and take what you could. On the black-haired fellow you had already spotted his watch, that would get you around twenty dollars at a fence that would get you by just fine. So, taking a deep breath, you hopped off the curb onto the cobbled ground, waiting for a horse to pass before you silently slid across the street and into the bar.

The moment you opened the door you were hit with the smell of cigars, booze and men. Piano music played, people sang and danced. And there he stood. Your target with a drink in hand and smile plastered on his face. His laugh was loud and deep, it echoed across the bar and reached out amongst the crowd. Everyone else was so normal and bland yet he was different. Something attracted you to him, you didn't quite know what it was or what kind of attraction you felt but there was...something.

"To Dutch!" One of the men called, a big man in a blue plaid shirt. The black-haired chap grinned and bowed his head slightly. 'So his name is Dutch' You conceived 'Yeah that's an assholes name' The men started to sing Dutch's praises as they raised their bottles and drank. You'd seen this kind of thing before, the messiah complex, rich men always believed they had some kind of dominance of the others.

Blending into the background was easy for you, stand in a corner, watch and don't attract attention. Dutch's watch had a chain attached as most sensible men did, it wouldn't be too hard you'd done it before all it took was a swift hand and a knife through the chain. Now all you needed was a reason to either get his vest off or a reason to tug on it. You went with the first option, he'd be able to tell if you tugged on it. 

You made your way to the bar, your heart pounding as you squeezed past the younger man from earlier. He gazed at you once again, he appeared like he desired to say something but as you moved away he decided against it. Maybe he saw who you were heading towards. Once you reached the bar you took a place right next to Dutch and ordered a drink.

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