Lenny Summers X Reader ~Secrets~

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Hell yes, Lenny love!

!Smut warning!

This is the first kinda smut I've written so, ya'll better appreciate it.

Together the four of you trotted along: four horses, four riders all in fancy clothing, two secret lovers, your father and a fancy gentleman with a top hat. Lenny and yourself exchanged another glance at one another as you trailed behind the other two men. You forced yourself to lower the stupid smile that formed on your lips every damn time your eyes met with his, instead you focused on Hosea and Josiah who were rambling on about the task ahead of you. You zoned back in to hear Trelawny,
"So, when we arrive the boat should be there" The man explained "And we all have to play our part now"
"And my part is?" You asked suddenly chirping up. Trelawny's face lit up as he turned his head to face you.
"You shall find out when we get there" He claimed as you continued on the journey, exchanging a confused look with Lenny.

- - -

You arrived into Saint-Denis, a large civilised town not too far from the current camp location of Clemens Point in Lemoyne. Together you made your way around the streets, Trelawny and your father once again taking the lead. At first, you went to the harbour, unfortunately, there was no sign of the boat which left you all rather confused. But Josiah was quick to settle the group,
"Not to worry, it may have been delayed, we should try and find out" Hosea nodded in agreement before instructing you.
"If I stay here and ask around the rest of you can split up and meet back here in an hour" You all agreed and without hesitation, Lenny and yourself rode off together.

You rode up the town, once again catching each other's eyes every couple of seconds but neither of you spoke a word. That was until you hitched your horses up near a tailor and went for a walk, Lenny was the first to speak.
"Y/N, have you told him?" He asked, causing your heart to rapidly beat.
"I've tried to, but it's hard to get him alone he's always doing these errands for Dutch and-" He interrupted you,
"If you don't want this then you can just tell me, I won't be offended," Lenny told you, doubting your feelings for him.
"No, Lenny" You took his hands in yours "I really want this, it's well...it's that I don't know how he'll take it" Lenny let out a little laugh as you started to walk through the town together.
"You're eighteen I'm sure he'll take it just fine"
"But to him, I'm still his little girl...I will tell him, I promise...now shall we go and ask about this damn boat?" You laughed back.

- - -

Your eyes caught Silver Dollar and Gwydion in all their glory as you trotted back to the harbour an hour later. Trelawny was the first to greet you and update you,
"Ah, there they are, we began to think you got lost," He told you "Apparently the boat has been delayed for another day, however, there will be a lot of high up men with a lot of good information" He explained, you nodded as he told you his plan, instead of going back to camp you would stable up your horses and stay in one of the hotels in town, so you did just that.

As you left the stable you took a long sad look at your stead, they were one of the closest friends you had in camp and you always felt bad when leaving them even if it was for a night. While you walked towards the town in the same formation as always, a thought dawned on you.
"Trelawny?" You asked the man moved his head in your direction slightly. "You were talking about our 'parts' earlier, what are they exactly?" You saw a smile appear on his lips as he stopped and fully turned to you.
"I and your father are businessmen who are here to spend our riches and you and Lenny are a young couple who have just fallen into some money after an aunt died in your family, he's also about to inherit his father's business, I'll let you figure what kind of business it is" He nodded before turning and walking again, there was a short silence as Hosea's eyes widened slightly but he then also continued walking, catching up to Josiah to have a quick chat.

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