Prologue - Where it began

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How long has it been?

Days? Weeks? Months? Years?

I can't even tell anymore.

Because what's the point? I'm here. Locked away. And I'm never getting out.

Even if I could get away, what's the point? It's over, isn't it? No one is alive. They're all gone.

I watched as every single one of them died before my eyes, and I couldn't do anything to save them. I guess this my punishment for not being able to save them. But right now, I wish I was dead. At least that way, I could be with them.

But something tells me that something is going to happen. Good or bad, I don't know. Because right now, something has changed with Madara. He is more gentle now. He doesn't torture me anymore, but he still rapes me. 

At the beginning I would cry and scream and beg for him to just kill me. To end it all. But all he ever did was laugh at me, and take pleasure to my pain.

Still, something has changed or happened. What could it be? Is he finally getting tired of me? Is he finally going to kill me? I can't say that I hope so. Because right now, I'm barely holding onto hope. All I can do is wait. And nothing more.

I come out of my thoughts as Madara enters the chamber in which he keeps me locked in. I don't even bother to look at him. I bet right now he has that Uchiha smirk on his face right now. I can feel it.

"What's got you so down, aren't you happy that you are part of this new world I've created?" He asks, but I won't answer to him.

"The silent treatment I see. The Juubi is no more if that makes feel any better." He says.

WHAT!?!?! How can this be!?! He literally got all the tailed-beasts to make the Juubi and destroy the world, just so he could take it apart again!?!

As I am thinking to myself, 9 pillars appear behind my bed. In each one, I can see streaks running vertically on them. All in order from 1 to 9.

"Say hello to your companions, but then again, you've already met, so what's the point?" He says as he laughs. 

"Such a shame that they will be the only ones to witness the birth of our child." He says, and I snap my head up to him, staring with wide eyes.

"Our child!?! What are you talking about!?!" I demand.

He takes in my expression with satisfaction.

"Oh my dear, have you not noticed? You've been pregnant for 3 months now, but of course you haven't. Our child hasn't started to show yet." He says and he laughs again as he leaves.

I search around my body for any changes and sure enough, there is a small chakra signature developing in my womb. I can't believe this. I'm pregnant with Madara's child. That explains why he kept me. Why he didn't kill me. Why he didn't torture me anymore. And why he has been more gentle with me. But I didn't want this!!! I never asked for any of it!!!

But it doesn't matter anymore. What is done is done. 

I'm going to have a baby.

And he won't grow up to belike his father.

He is mine.

I will save him.

One way or another.

"Hey, kit." I hear from behind me.

The voice came from the pillar with 9 streaks and it's shinning orange.

I know that voice. It's got to be "Kurama." I say.

"Yes kit, It's me." He says and I feel new tears on my cheeks. I can't believe it. I'm not alone anymore. I have Kurama back again.

"Kurama, I'm sorry. I wasn't able to save you. All of you. I wasn't strong enough. I couldn't do anything. I'm sorry." I cried.

"Do not worry, little Kitten. None of this was your fault." Spoke Matatabi from the pillar with 2 streaks and was shinning blue.

"It is true, young one. Please do not blame yourself for this. Right now, you only have to worry about getting out of here." Said Kokuo from the 5-streaked pillar shinning yellow.

"But how? I've been trapped here for kami knows how long with no escape. And even if I did escape, where would I go? As long as I carry his child, Madara will always find me." I say.

They all stay silent.

"How about we do 'that' jutsu?" Said Shukaku from the first pillar shinning beige.

"We could, but we won't know where we may end up." Said Saiken from the 6-streaked lavender pillar.

"Yeah, what if we end up somewhere dangerous? Bet ya didn't think of that one, now did ya?" Said Gyuuki from the 8-streaked pillar shinning brown. 

"Guys, c'mon. Any place is better than this hell hole." Said Isobu from the 3-streaked pillar shinning blue-green. And everyone agreed.

"Um, what are you talking about?" I ask. If there is a way to get away, I'm in. 

"Kit, Madara is coming back. When I tell you to, touch my pillar, alright?" I nod and wait.

Just like Kurama said, Madara came back. And he looks hungry.

"You know, every time I see you, I want to make you mine more and more." He said. Gets on my bed, pins me down and starts kissing me. I stopped fighting him a long time ago when I realized it was hopeless. But now the tailed-beasts are here to witness it all, I am really embarrassed and ashamed that I'm not even fighting back.

Just as Madara's hand is about to go below my navel...

"NOW!!!" I touch the pillar and Kurama's chakra surrounds me. I missed this. Soon, all the pillars start to light up and they all surround me and then go straight to my stomach.

"NO!!!" Yells Madara in rage and gets out a kunai and starts to slash me. I don't care that he hurts me, but not my baby, so I put my arms around my stomach. Before he is even close to my stomach, a strange whirlpool-like vortex open behind me. This is it. I can hear from my mind them chanting something on a language I don't understand. Chakra comes out of me again and heads towards Madara. When it gets to him, he starts to yell in pain.

"MY EYES!!!" He screams. And I see the chakra take something red from him and come back into me.

When he stops yelling, he charges at me and stabs me in the ribs. I stumble backwards and into the portal. The last thing I see is his hateful glare before the darkness consumes me.

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