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"we never tested out our theory......"

"GOSH DAMNIT" we both screeched and ran after the gays.

delaney's p.o.v.

the gays were too fast. they got away. i was sad. class was about to start. much depression.

"bye yeongue." i half-heartedly said to the boy and threw my hand up into a lazy wave.

"bye.." he replied with the same energy as we both walked with our head down and our arms swinging to our homerooms.

i opened the door to the room with my head, and got inside the same way i was walking in the halls.

"nice of you to join us, class is just about to start, take your seat." miss peepeepoopoo told me, and i compiled.

flopping into the seat that i had my backpack in already, i slammed my head on the desk and just laid like that.

the bell rang, but i didn't care, i was sad. you know what? i think now's a nice time for a n a p.

naps are nice, the teacher is a meanie beanie, and i'm tired. killing three birds with one stone lez get ittttt.

i closed my Ⓞ 𝒓 ᗷ s and started to drift off into slumber because, sleep.

*delaney's dream 3rd person*

delaney was floating in the air as her dream started. weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

"zoom floosh zaam" delaney said as she flew around. she continued flying until she got to a nice fluffy cloud.

"oooo that's a fluffy cloud." she said and sat down on it. it was very squishy.

"wHAT ARR YEW DOING IN MY SWAMP??!?!" the cloud roared, which startled poor delaney, knocking her off the fluffy cloud.

completely forgetting how to fly, delaney started to fall down onto what seemed to be a park.

"hmm this is weird." delaney said her thoughts out loud and sat crisscross applesauce in the air, still falling.

this continued on for a few minutes till delaney got really tired of it.

"JUST LET ME DIEEEEE!!!" she screamed at the ground she still has yet to reach.

"not today BITCH." the ground screamed back at her.

suddenly, the ground turned into jotaro kujo who gobbled her up with a sLUUURRRRPPP.

"hey that wasn't very nice." she pouted as she observed her new surroundings.

"hey hoe what brings you here?" a voice spoke from God knows where.

"oh hey, just wondering, where am i?" she asked the voice and it said back to her,

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