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last chapter:

that was the day i lost everyone i once loved.

now i can't make friends because everyone thinks i'm a loner.

and i don't mind it.

cause i'm used to it.

end of flashback

delaney's p.o.v.

so yee. there's your dumbpid explanation.

i sighed at the thought of my mom.

'what would've happened if i didn't go to IN-N-OUT? would i still be in california? would i still have a mom and friends?'

shiZz bAllS. i'm thinking too deep. calm down delaney. you just gotta put on a smile.

i slapped my cheek and shook my head and my arms to get all the bad thoughts away from me.

when i stopped shaking my head, the whole classes attention was on me.

"why is everyone looking at me...?" i said aloud.

"delaney. *sigh* whatever you were just doing, don't do it again. you're distracting the class." the teacher sternly told me.

"not my fault they easily got distracted by my actions." i said back to her.



"outside the classroom. now."

i shrugged my shoulder and got up. as i was walking by my teacher i took out an earbud and swung it while whistling, and did that till i got outta class.

'yAs iM fReE!' i thought as i wandered down the halls.

'dang it. i still have detention. dad's gonna kill me...' i looked down in sadness.

'this shouldn't bring me down! i'm sure nothing bad will happen today!' i got better thoughts and picked my head back up and walked happily.

time skip to the end of the day cause i'm too lazy to write anything else

i went to the detention room and sat down. 'boi this gon be boring.' i thought as i sat down in the back of the classroom.

i put my head down on the desk and tried to sleep, when 4 boys suddenly burst through the room

"fOR THE LAST TIME DUDE I'M NOT GONNA HUG YOU!" one voice tells another.

i picked my head up off of the desk to see a boy with his arms out and another taller guy holding his head so he won't get hugged.

"I WON'T GIVE UP YOU BUTT." the one who's trying to hug the other says.

"you know what... fine." the taller boy releases the shorter's head.

the shorter immediately hugged the taller.

'don't say it, don't say it, don't say it, don't say it-'

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