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last chapter:

'kim yeongue, one day, you will be mine!'

delaney's p.o.v.

'wait shit that sounded yandereish-'

i shook off the thought and focused on what was outside of my window. the bus hadn't moved yet because it was waiting for the the others to go first.

since i didn't know anyone on the bus, and everyone hated me, i decided to put up my hoodie, so that it was covering my eyes.

my music was still playing as i drifted off into sleep because of the darkness of my hoodie...

"WAKE UP EMO ASS!" i jumped in my seat from the sudden shout. i looked ahead to see a girl i think was called karen.

"shut up karen." i groaned and wiped my mouth to see if there was any drool.

"MY NAME IS BRITTNEY YOU BITCH." she once again shouted at me as i was turning off ky music that was still playing, but keeping my earbuds in my ears cause it's comfortable.

"oops sorry, both names emit dumb blond energy so i was confused." i yawned and got up from my seat and out of my row.

"excuse me??" she asked in shock from my previous statement.

"you are excused." i walked passed her in the aisle, bumped her shoulder, and got out of the bus, as everyone was already out and they were just waiting for me.

i could tell she was fuming from where i was outside of the vehicle. i managed to let a little smirk slip past my lips as i adjusted my hoodie so it was still covering my eyes, but enough for me to see out of.

my baby hairs were evident from behind the hood so it didn't look like i was totally bald.

"alright kids! we're going to be going into the building now and once again meeting stray kids for mentoring!" the teacher announced and made us walk in a line to the practice room. what did he think we were? kindergarteners??

i was at the back of the line so it was all good though.

as e made our way to the practice room, the line kinda dissolved into al the cliques together, while lonely me was over here with my earbuds in, hood covering my face, and my hands were in my hoodie pocket.

per usual, i was the last one to get into the room with our idols in it.

since i was the last one in, i closed the door behind us which kinda brought a lot of attention on me.

panicking with all the eyes over me i did the only logical thing to possibly do.

"and i- oOp-" i pulled the strings of my hoodie closed all the way, to the point where i only had my nose out.

i could hear some laughing coming from stray kids, not getting anything out of my classmates though.

"see felix! she was the one i told you about!" i heard jisung exclaim to, obviously felix, who was right next to him.

"i like her already!" felix replied to jisung with enthusiasm.

feeling as if it was long enough that i was like this, i undid the tight strings and completely took my hood off my head.

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