Did he just glare at us?

No, maybe that must be how to eye contact.


"it's no good... Mirio... Hado..."Amajiki said

"no matter how hard I try to think of them all as potatoes... everything except their heads just keep it's human form... and besides their heads I can only see them as humans" Amajiki mumbles "what should I do... the words... they won't come out!"

Am I just hearing stiff, because things are starting to get weirder...?

"my mind's completely blank. It's so painful"

Then Amajiki face the board behind him.

"I wanna go home...!"

Okay, things are now weirder?

"is he like that all the time?" I asked

"weird, huh" Hado said

"this guy is "Tamaki Amajiki", the chicken! And I'm "Nejire Hado"" she introduce herself "we've come here today because we were asked to talk to you all about the internship!"

"hey you look familiar! Are you Yuki?!" Hado ask

I scratch my nape "as the matter of fact I am" I answer

"cool, I watched all about you. How you save a kid and defeated many villains in just one day" she said

She sure knows a lot

After that she kept asking the others with their abilities.

"I see you're all lacking any sort of rationality" Uncle said

"please do not worry, Eraser Head! I'm the key performer here today after all!" Togata said then he centers up "THE JOURNEY AHEAD IS-"

'journey ahead...?'

We all silent....

"That's where you say "will be full of difficulties!"" Togata said "Alright! You all utterly fail at getting the point of the conversation!"

Okay, these guys are weird... not to mention their personality.

"well, I can see from all your faces that you've got no clue what's going on" Togata said "the explanation of the internships which are not even a requirement... has been left to these third year students who just appeared all of a sudden. I get it, it doesn't make much sense?"

"you acquired your provisional license as first years... is that right?"

"this year's first year's are really... energetic aren't they...?"

Then we fell to silence

"I see... well it seems like my intro fell flat here, so..." Hado mumbles

"Mirio?!" Amajiki called

"how would you all like to team up..." Togata suddenly bring up "and fight against me?!"


"it would make the most sense for them to witness and feel our own "experience" with their own bodies, woudln't you say?!" Togata said "wouldn't you say, Eraser Head?!"

Uncle only took yes as a silence "do as you like" he barely said

After that we change to our training gear then head to Gamma Gymnasium.

"um...are you serious?" Sero ask

"oh, I'm dead serious!" Togata answer

"Mirio... you shouldn't do this" Amajiki said "it would be more than enough for you just formally tell them that, it'll be valuable for you to be in this sort of condition."

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