Ideas for how the Q&A is going to be💛

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So I think that all of you should ask me the question you always wanted to ask me about my book in this chapter and in the next chapter which is the Q&A( I'm much more excited than you are!!!) I will just be addressing and answering all of them so please ask away😊❤

But before that I have some questions for you guys which  all of you can answer In the comment sections it's not mandatory by the way  but I will really appreacie your answers💜

What's your favorite chapter?

Why is it your favorite chapter?

Favorite artist?

Favourite song rn?



Ways on how to improve my book?

What you love about my book?

Favourite book?

Favourite genre of music and books?

Favorite author?

I love you all and as I always say my pms are always open!!!❤❤❤ hope all of you have a lovely day❤ I'm doing the Q&A 5 days from now cause i want to give you all enough time and opportunityto ask me all the questions you want if you think it's too less or too much let me know❤

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