My flower🌹

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I'm looking around like a dumbass searching for something I can't see.
I look around, people staring,
Clearly thinking I'm insane.
Well I will keep looking, I will look everywhere if I have to.

To find what? they ask, they all think I'm a confused bafoon.
I look everywhere I can't find it,
Until I see it.

My flower with its weathered leaves.
It's dying, but its my favourite.

Why they all ask, even more confused.
Cause it represents all of us dying to figure out how this world works.

When it's in my flower.
It represents death and a spring of life.
Cause it will grow back again,
Just like how when one person dies, a new person is being brought to life.

So why don't you just take an example from,
My flower.

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