Healing 🌞

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The unbalanced give and take.

I am looking at myself through a magnifying glass my flaws and strengths in clear sight.

I realize that it's time to let go of the past, to try to release some of the baggage I carry around my chest.

I cannot continue to self-destruct and be at war with myself and my mind. cursed to be a slave to these thoughts that constantly plague me, making me drown in my own self-despair.

I need to stop pretending everything is okay, hiding behind this mask, then wondering why no one knows the real me lying to myself that no one cares to know even though I know the real reason is that I am too scared to show them, afraid that when they know the real me they won't like what they see.

I need to stop blaming other people for my pain cause deep down I know it is as much my fault to blame as it is theirs.

I need to stop trying to save everyone and learn to save myself.

I need to get better to heal not for anyone but for myself cause living in fear and this self-inflicted prison I have made my mind into isn't really living but dying a slow mental death.

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