"Well, I could always do half of it for you,” Josh suggested, “I mean I've done most of this already."

Shaking my head, I smiled, "You don't have to do that and besides, you don't have girly handwriting like I do, my brother would never buy it."

"Hey I happen to be very good at mimicking handwriting." He argued as we walked up the driveway.

My eyes went wide before smirking. "Mr. Davis, is there something you would like to confess?"

He shrugged sheepishly, “I may have forged a few letters, signatures, and prescriptions in the past…”

"Mmmmhmmm…discussion on your past deviance to be continued.”  I put the key in the lock before pushing open the front door. "Hello?"

"Hey guys . . . Kevin told me to be expecting you two." Dani said coming into the front room with a dishtowel in her hands.

I smiled . “Dani this is my friend Josh, Josh this is Kevin's wife, Dani."

"Nice to meet you," Josh said giving her a smile.

Dani smiled, "Kevin was right…You do look like trouble." My mouth dropped open in shock over Dani’s blunt remark as I turned to Josh to gage his reaction, he stood unnerved. “Good thing I don’t judge a book by its cover.”

I let out a relieved sigh, "And with that we are going to start on homework," I said leading the way into the kitchen.

Dani followed behind with a knowing smile, "Can I get you guys anything? I have fresh cookies."

"How about something less carby…I haven’t quite mastered bolusing for home baked goods yet." I said with a grin as we took a seat at the table.

Dani laughed. "Alright, carrots?”


“Joshua, can I get you anything?" she asked turning her attention to Josh who perked up with a smile as he was addressed.

"A cookie sounds great, thank you." Josh said politely.

I snickered. "Joshua." He merely grinned in my direction.

"Here you go. Enjoy." Dani chimed handing us our respective after school snacks before heading towards the living room. "The girls will be home soon so I suggest getting as much of that work done as possible before they step through that door."

I sighed. "I can’t afford any distractions today, I have way too much work to get done.”

"The girls?" Josh's brows knitted in confusion.

"They have two girls, Ellie and Maddie. I think you have seen Ellie before when you came to the house."

Josh nodded his head before smiling big. "Oh yea, I remember, she was a cutie.”

 I looked at my pile of books before groaning. "Yes, they both are and they can be a huge distraction; I have a very hard time telling them no, it seems I am powerless against their cuteness."

Josh shot me a devilish smirk, “and yet my cuteness seems to have no effect on you.”

I rolled my eyes before tossing a baby carrot into my mouth, “You are supposed to be here helping me with work, not trying to distract me.”

“So you DO think I’m cute,” Josh teased, a large grin spreading across his lips. I let out a frustrated growl and he quickly threw up his hands in mock surrender. “Alright, sorry, what do you want to start with?”

Sliding the large history book from the stack I plopped it on the table in front of Josh, “I have a massive study guide for next week’s final that I have to complete and I suck at history.”

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