¨Oh my gosh, I am so sorry¨ I exclaimed as the coffee spilt all over the mans suit. He jumped from the both pushing me to the side. I grabbed several napkins and began trying to dry up his pants. As I frantically began patting he grabbed my wrist, ¨It´s ok, I´ve got it¨. I began to apologizing again and handed him the apkins. Tasha ran over to try to help. I told her I was going to go to the back to get more napkins. When I returned he was gone. I am so embarrassed I moaned while cleaning up my mess. I couldn´t believe that just happened! Tasha told me not to beat myself up as it was an accident. Thankfully my shift was over and April was waiting for me out front. ¨Come on Jade¨ she yelled.

¨We need to get your id before they close¨  

I hoped in the car and we headed down to the place. When we got there it was so crowded. People were standing along the walls waiting to be called. April had called ahead to make an appointment so it wasn´t long before that we were called up. As I approached the counter, there was an older woman standing there in a blue collared shirt. She looked kind of mean, but I think it was because she was just tired. I can totally understand after the day I have had. The place was a complete madhouse. Standing directly behind her was a police officer that was playing some game on her phone. 

Just then I heard a stern voice yell at me, ¨Ma´am step over there to get your picture taken¨!  April grabbed my arm while pulling me over to the spot. ¨You have got to pay attention Jade¨ she snarled. It didn´t take long and I had my id and was heading out the door. Once we were in the parking lot she told me she was so nervous because it was actually illegal to get a fake id.

̈̈Illegal! ̈  I shouted. 

 ̈Are you crazy? ̈ I asked her.

Although I was mad at her, I have to admit I was excited to be able to get into more places with her. Living with her was the happiest I have ever been in a long time. She was like a sister to me. I couldn't imagine my life without her. She is honestly everything I am not. April is always so confident about her looks. She isn´t afraid to try new things and adventures. I wish I could be like her. Instead I am always so awkward. I feel ugly like what man will ever want me? I often joke I am the ugly duckling while she is a beautiful swan. She gets mad at me when I talk like this to her. Usually she will tell me to stop it, but she knows it is true. Anyways, I couldn't do it without her. She just got into college so to celebrate she wants to take me along with her to one of her big parties that a friend of hers is throwing. I am not really in the party mood, but I actually can´t wait to go to this one. It supposedly the party of the year.

 The next day, April and I went down to pick up our paychecks from Mr. B. I made three hundred dollars for the week with all my tips. Not bad considering I broke a few plates. After we cashed our checks, April asked me if I wanted to go shopping with her? Of course I said yes! I was like, ̈shopping, I don't think I have ever really been shopping on my own ̈. She looked at me with a huge grin.

̈Oh girl then you have to come with me! I know just the place to go! ̈ and off we went. 

When we walked in the door there were these huge racks full of clothes. Everything was kind of just thrown together. The store was so small so there wasn't much room to walk. In the front of the store was this girl who had green hair pulled up into a messy bun. She had jet black fingernail polish with huge silver rings. She adorned a nose ring and choker too. The girl just kept her head down reading some teen magazine the whole time. When I turned around to see where April had gone she was standing there with tons of clothes draped over her arms.

̈Are you just going to stand there looking at me or are you going to help? ̈ she asked while almost dropping the clothes.

̈̈Oh gosh, you ́re buying all that? ̈ I asked with much disbelief. 

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