When you confuse him - Raph

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Honestly you had no idea why you felt so hyper, it was Friday and you just couldn't seem to not be happy. Maybe the school had put something in their food or something, you didn't know.
Currently, you say on the rooftop of your apartment building, waiting for Raph to come along and relieve you of your boredom.

"(Y/n)," what was it with Raph and his batman voice? You turn around, a serious look on your face but as soon as you made eye contact you burst into laughter. He looks at you like you were crazy.

You did your best to explain but it only cause you to laugh even more. "I'm so sorry, I just can't seem to take anything seriously today. I think they put something in my food at school because I don't even know." Tears fell down your eyes as you say on the ground trying to regain you composure.

"What kind of stuff? Is it bad?" Raph knelt down bedside you slightly concerned. He didn't mind seeing you smile but if this stuff that was making you giggly was bad then he didn't want to see you hurt and someone would have to pay.

You wipe the tears from your face. "I have no idea but I need more of it because everything is just so friggin hilarious, I don't think I can take it anymore." You continued to laugh falling on your sides. "Omg my sides hurt," this cause you to laugh even harder.

Raph growled. He didn't like hearing that you were hurt. "(Y/n), speak to me. Who needs their tails kicked?"

You stopped laughing and looked at him slightly surprised at his concern. "Raphael, are you actually worried about me?"

Raph doesn't say anything. Pat his cheek with you hand, smiling, glad that he cared.

"I'm fine, just a little happy. Nothing was actually in the food, I was kidding, stupid." You stick you tongue out at him and he growls.

You both start to argue but as you fought, you couldn't help but admire him.

'He's so cute when he's angry.'

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