Get To Know

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Okay, first things first, I am very sorry. The last month or so has been rough with my grandmother being all senile and being in a bad mood. I don't write good scenarios when I'm angry or upset so which is why I haven't been doing a lot. 

Plus trying to catch up on Game of Thrones book plus I have created my own OC blog on tumblr. I'll link it, but please do not feel obliged to look at it, I just don't want to spam the comment section if people want to know what it is. 

Tumblr OC page -

I'm still in a pretty dull mood, I want to write, but so far I'm not feeling the inspiration with the turtles. I am working on something for this, but it won't be out for awhile because I want to provide all of the turtles at once since it is a "story" part. I will do a scenario tomorrow. It will be How They Celebrate Your Birthday (pretty sure I haven't done that) since tomorrow is my mother's birthday and just thinking about that is making me happy. :)

As for the title, I thought it would be cool if we could possibly get to know each other better. You can ask me a question and I will answer it honestly. If you want, each question you ask of me you can provide your own answer. I will read it. I love to read comments, seeing you guys talk to each other and show happiness for some of the reference I have slipped in some of the scenarios. 

Just know that each comment is read by me and know that I appreciate all of you guys. You have made writing this book worth it. I started this my senior year of high school and I am currently going into my junior year of college. Thank you so much for sticking this far through the inconsistant publishes. I know I haven't really gotten personal for you guys because honestly I didn't think you would care. If you don't I am not offended, I understand cause usually I don't care to get close to people that I have subscribed or followed on other sites. Now I'm giving you the choice, but know that I still love every single one of you guys, honestly you guys have made this book. I did the writing, but you allowed it to be seen, to become as popular as it is now and I can't thank you enough.

<3 ya'll and have a fantastic day.

Update: So I decided to answer the questions any ways, that way you know me as well as I know some of you guys who have answered in the comments. Thank you so much and I love getting to know you guys!

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Question thing taken from Tumblr. :)

Send me a number

10 HOWS:

• How often do you sleep in a day?

On a good night about 8 hours or 7 hours, until college starts then it might be less. XD

• How old will you be at your next birthday?

21, I'm so old!

• How old do you want to be when you get married?

I actually don't have any plans of getting married, not really into that whole business. Might be due to my family's bad luck with relationships. :/

• How is the weather today?

Hot and humid

• How often do you see your best friend?

Not as often as I would like, but we both have started our own lives and we have to grow.

• How did you do in high school?

I sucked, I seriously did not care. I hated the place, I was ready to finish. Straight Cs with a few Bs and As in subjects with teachers that I liked. Now I have As and Bs in college and have finished with a 3.5 gpa. :)

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