Chapter 32

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"This is not necessary," I said, rolling my eyes in the process, "it's just lunch, it's not like I am meeting with the Queen".

I doubted Anna heard any of my complaints as she combed through more dresses for me to try on. I looked over at Gavin who sat by one of the waiting chairs trying to hide the fact that he was dosing with a magazine he would not have been reading if he were fully awake.

"Try this," She threw a blue dress that I could already tell was too revealing, "dark blue would look great on you".

"You said that about the pale pink dress and some other burgundy dress but changed your mind soon after I wore them," I sighed, tired and frustrated. I think I was reaching the stage in my pregnancy, where all I wanted to do was sit down, prematurely.

"Yeah except that bump-" She clasped her lips together as soon as she said it and I glanced down at my very noticeable baby bump knowing she was right.

"So you brought me here,"I started, suddenly feeling an intense anger, " To put me in dresses just to body shame me?".

"C'mon, I was not not body shaming yo-"

"You brought me her so that what? I can dress up nice and slither my way into Sebastian's and his Fiancée's life like some slut?" I hissed, my finger pointing at her like a gun ready to fire, my words pulling the trigger.

"That's not what I'm trying to do-" she started but I was already deep, the anger I had held in so long bursting out like a volcano about to erupt.

"What are you trying to do Anna?!" I asked, a question I've been dying to know since before the baby incident. Why have I always been a project to her? All the criticism on what I was wearing and who I should be hanging out with.

"I just want people to see how beautiful you could be," she points out and then realised how bad that sounded.

"With the right clothes and the right amount of make up to hide the ugly parts?".

"That is not what I meant and you know it".

"I know that you've always made me feel ugly, second guessing all my outfits and telling me I need to wear more make up," I voiced out what I has been weighing on me for years.

"And now," I said slowly, "You want me to to grab Sebastian from Blaire like some sick way of boosting my confidence, I am not going to break up someones happiness just because you think it'll make me break out of my invisible shell".

" We don't all waltz in and steal another woman's man, some of us have morals and we can't all be like-" Now it was my turn to bite my tongue but I already knew it was too late.

"Like me," Anna whispered, I could see her hurting. "Say it, not all girls are sluts like me".

"I didn't mean that," I mumbled, glancing at my feet ashamed.

"No you did and you're right," she crossed her arms, "I sleep around, I mean heck, it's why we started doing the pregnancy test so often and how do you think that made me feel huh?"

I furrowed my eyebrows and she sighed but continued, "My own best friend thinks I am such a whore that I'd sleep with every guy I meet, why do think I take you to all those parties anyway?"

I stared at he incredulously, "Because you want me to drive you home after getting wasted and doing who knows what with some guy you just met".

" Goodness gracious," She lifted her hands in frustration, "You still don't get it, you're so self centred you never notice what's right in front of you. Not everyone is going to hurt you".

" You're allowed to have fun Blaire, you're allowed to fall in love, heartbreak is a possibility bu it'll be all worth it when you find that one person whose aim is to love and, if he can, mend your broken pieces but you've allowed yourself to remain broken, not everyone's going to be like Dallas".

I stared at her blankly but inside all I could feel was anger, "This has nothing to do with Dallas".

"Yes it does," she was crying and it made me aware of my own tears, "Admit that he broke you Blaire but not everyone is going hurt you like Dallas did".

I may have said it out of anger, the heat of the moment as some call it. I may have been as broken as Anna predicted, or I just wanted to make her hurt the way I was. Whatever reason I had, it was not a good enough one for my next word might have just severed the strong bond that Anna and I have, well had.

"And not everyone is going to hurt you like David did," I wished I could've taken the words back as soon as I said them.

I didn't expect the votes so quickly so I apologize for the delay. Hope you enjoyed reading!

25 votes for the next chapter to be posted.

So remember to vote and comment (even on mistakes I might have made, feedback helps!)

I love you all.

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