Chapter 11

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As much as I love seeing that people are still reading, I would also like to get some feedback, please comment.

Also because I have exams soon, I will only be updating if I have seen that at least 10 people have viewed the last chapter.

Love y'all

Now to the story

Chapter 11

I had only known I was pregnant for an but it still felt as if something had drastically changed.

I say something has drastically changed because now I am seated next to the woman who was supposed to have this baby and she kept throwing daggers at me as if this was my fault.

After what seemed like hours a few hospital staff came in, they all seemed quite petrified and I could tell it was because of the other Blaire.

"Hello, my name is Chelsea Saunders," a rather soft looking old woman introduced herself while offering her hand, I took it but the Blaire just scoffed.

Chelsea coughed awkwardly, "I am a representative of the hospital board, I would like to first apologize for any inconvenience caused by-"

"Inconvenience?" Blaire said incredulously, mirroring my thoughts.

"I am sorry to cut off your rehearsed speech but this is a baby! That's more than an inconvenience, it's absolutely horrendous and gross negligence on your part."

"And I will make sure that anyone who even thinks of using this hospital knows it!" She got out of her chair and paced around the room, She was frustrated for the both of us.

All I could think of was how this was oddly similar to something that could come out of a novel or book and how I was missing a lot of classes right now.

"Miss," Someone stressed, pulling me out of my day dream.

The doctor who had announced my pregnancy spoke up, "We wanted you to know your options."

I slightly nodded to let him know that he could continue.

"You can choose to abort the baby," he paused as the other Blaire sucked in a breath.

"Or you could carry the baby up until it's birth and give Miss McAlister," he glanced at her nervously, but he seemed not to be finished.

"Or you could keep it," He finally said and I choked suddenly on the stiff air around us.

"Keep it?" I suddenly spoke and everyone else also seemed surprised.

"Uh Yes, Technically the baby is also yours, your egg was used," Chelsea finally said, turning green as Blaire threatened to speak up.

"Surely you can't think of keeping my baby, that's my baby" she pointed at my stomach and it felt like she was poking it and I quickly put a hand over it.

"I-I don't know," I quiver, suddenly I felt like crying and I could feel the tears forming in my eyes.

"You can have some time to think about it," The Doctor suggested, noticing the stray tear that had escaped.

"Think about it? There's nothing thing about, that's my baby and she does not get to keep it," Blaire waved her arms frantically, I wondered if her voice would go hoarse from all the shouting.

"I think it would be wise to notify the father of the baby," Another woman who had quietly sat through the whole meeting spoke up.

"No!" Blaire exclaimed and I jumped a little, "How am I going to tell my fiancee that someone else is pregnant with his baby?"

"Uh, if I may," A nurse stepped forward, "He was already notified to come to the hospital immediately and is currently on his way"

This was all too much to take in and I suddenly felt nauseous again, I hastily stepped out of the room to find the nearest bathroom with Gavin trailing right behind me.

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