"Hey, don't make me use my superior intellect on you." She pinched my sides gently and teasingly as I flinched. We both laughed.

I made my way as close to the bed as possible and knelt down gently so that she could get off my back safely.

"You have reached your destination." I mocked in a GPS guidance voice.

"You dork." She lightly chuckled as I felt the sting in my heart when her arms unwrapped around me and she detached herself from me. It was suddenly just so cold. I reached out into my inner suite pocket and pulled out her pieces of paper. Her eyes widened as she saw me pull them out.

"I did not read them, as promised. This is why they are folded; I hope you don't mind." I quickly justified myself. She seemed to ease up and sweetly smiled at me again as she shook her head.

I saw her turn to her bedside table and I proceeded to sound like more of a dork as I faked my receptionist voice.

"Breakfast is served from 7am to 11am. You have full access to the gym facility 24/7 and should you need anything, you can dial 0 for reception and my name is Y/N. Thank you for choosing the Meridian."

"You sound so weird sounding so fancy like that. It's just not seem to be you." She laughed and noticed her slip something into my pocket. She then proceeded into hugging me again, tighter than last time and my body just automatically hugged her back as my mind and heart were waging a war with each other.

"Goodnight Y/N. I really enjoyed spending the evening with you. Same time, same place tomorrow?" She pulled away and winked at me at the last sentence.

"Same time, same place Ari. Goodnight and sleep well." She smiled as she followed me to the door and closed it behind me.

The rest of the night was going to feel very long even though I only had 2 more hours of work. I quickly remember that she slipped something into my pocket. I reached out and pulled the hotel notepad paper and smiled at what was written.

"Thank you for being amazing

xxx Ari"

Along with her phone number.

This girl had me all chocked up already and this was just the first night.

At least I will look forward coming to work while she was there.

I made my way back down to reception to resume my work and make sure everything was all ready for when the day team would come in.

The hours seemed to go by excruciatingly slow after leaving Ariana. I did not know what to do with myself. I didn't dare go back into the kitchen or the back office as memories of her would so easily flow back. I missed her. Plain and simple, I missed her presence so much.

7am eventually came around and saw the 2 morning guys come in. Oscar and Peter. I was the only girl working in reception and I had to admit it was sometimes  very chilled to work with only guys. They all knew of my sexuality and they all respected it. 

"Why Y/N/N...you look happier than usual." Oscar spoke up. Oscar was the cockiest out of all of us, sometimes way too overconfident and very preppy; but I knew that deep down he had a good heart and was willing to help whenever he could.

"Yeah I was about to say, it's a good change on you." Peter joked. Peter was very tall and the youngest of us all, being only 19 he was easily the baby brother of the team.

"Tonight was called 'don't piss off Y/N night' and believe it or not, some people manage to respect that." I smiled at both of them. I wasn't always the happiest or positive, especially after a night shift. But after what happened tonight, it was hard not to smile.

"So brief us as to why you had such an amazing time." Oscar shoved me a little bit, playfully.

"People just behaved. But, I will go through the handover with you now before I am out." I paused a little bit as the guys shifted their attention to the computer screen.
"So, we had a last minute group walking yesterday of 10 rooms." I informed them and both of them looked at each other surprised.

"That would usually drive you up the wall." Peter said.

"It's Ariana Grande staying with us and her team." I added.

Oscar's mouth fell open and Peter rolled his eyes.

"Not her, I don't like her. Well, her songs. So overplayed." He turned around to go into the back office. I respected his opinion but he clearly, he hadn't met her and actually see how amazing she is.

I saw Oscar take a breath mint from the reception drawer and style his hair.

"What are you doing?" I asked amused at Oscar's reaction.

"I got this Y/N, I will be so smooth with her that she will give me her number."

How ironic. I was anything but smooth and I ended up getting her number.

I froze, reminding myself that I needed to text her otherwise maybe she will take it as if I don't want anything to do with her.

"Yeah, good luck with that." I shook my head at Oscar.

"It's not luck when you got these good looks as I do Y/N"

I shook my head and rolled my eyes at his macho outburst and went into the back office, pulling out my phone from my jacket entering her contact details in my phone and texting her:

I smiled at my own stupid joke and decision to make it sound as professional as possible. She seems amused at my horrible sense of professionalism.

I placed my phone back in my suite jacket and headed back out for the 30 minutes I had left of my shift. I saw some people starting to head down to breakfast.

Two of them looked like a mother and her son. The mom had short black hair and the guy had his blond hair in spikes and eyeliner on.

"Good morning." I greeted them with a smile.

They both looked at me and exchanged a big smile "Good morning to you too!", they made their way down to the restaurant. They stopped right before the entrance for a few minutes talking in between each other. I slight overheard parts of their conversation.

"Apparently, she did not go to sleep before 5am. Texted me she felt inspired all night. I swear your sister is a piece of work...you would think she would listen to me when I told her she needed to get an early night after everything she has planned today with press conferences and studio recording." She told the guy with blond hair.

"Mrs Grande!" I heard a guy calling out discreetly to the woman with black short hair.

I paid attention to Ariana's music but never to her personal life.
I realised I had just met Ariana's mom and her brother.


Sorry for the long wait for a new chapter, but thanks for your patience!

Hope you enjoy this chapter! :D 

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