Dorm Mates

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Chapter 15: Dorm Mates

After their detention, Hermione waved good-bye to her friends, and headed with Draco to the dorm they would now share as Head Boy and Head Girl.

"I wonder what it looks like," Hermione mused, much warmer now that they were back indoors.

Draco shrugged, "I don't know, but I do know it's probably better then the dorms we had back with our houses."

She nodded, "True. Wait... do you even know where it is?"

"I'm pretty sure... follow me," he said, walking up the staircase.

She got on just in time, as it started to move as they climbed, and they had to pause to grip on while it locked into place.

They then continued their ascent, Draco leading the way.

After what seemed like almost an hour of walking, they finally reached a large door, which had a snake and a lion engraved into it.

"Looks like this is it," he took out his key and put it into the lock, turned it, and then said, "Gumdrop."

The door opened as the password was spoken.

They both walked inside, the door shutting behind them.

The dorm was large and spacious, almost like a small apartment. It was like having a whole common room to themselves.

On top of that, it was beautifully decorated, with lavish furniture and muggle paintings (meaning they didn't move.)

There were two bedrooms, one painted in greens and golds, the other painted in reds and silvers.

A perfect mix of their two house colors.

"It's gorgeous," Hermione exclaimed, looking around.

"I've seen better," Draco said with a light snort and she slapped his arm.

"Shush, you rich, mansion owning asshole," Hermione said.

He chuckled and grinned at her, "I can't even deny it. I'm all of those things."

She shook her head. "You aren't really an asshole anymore."

"I have my moments," he said with a shrug.

She chuckled and continued looking around, "I wonder if they brought our stuff here yet..." she murmured, and walked into the red bedroom.

Sure enough all of her things were there, "Well I guess this is my room," she grinned.

He poked his head in and smiled, "Alright then, I guess I get the green room."

"Makes sense to me," she sat on the bed and looked around. They didn't have any homework, and she was a bit bored.

"Want to head down to the library?"

"Hermione it's almost 10. We can go tomorrow," Draco replied, and walked into the room, before noticing a pair of headphones and an iPod on her desk.

"What are those?" he asked, pointing at them.

She glanced over and smiled softly, "Just muggle things."

"What does it do?" he asked her.

"It plays music," she said, and got off the bed.

She grabbed the iPod, unplugging the headphones. "What sort of music do you like?" she asked him.

"I don't know any muggle music..." he muttered, looking at her quizzically.

"Well, alright then," Hermione said,

"Want me to play you some?" she asked with a grin.

"I don't know what I would like..." Draco muttered.

"What about naming a genre? Surely you listen to music," she stated

"Of course I do! How about... some rock. Or classical."

"Those are two absolute opposites."

"I know."

She grinned at him, "Which do you prefer out of the two?"

"I prefer to listen to rock but I can play classical music. My parents forced me to take piano lessons when I was younger," he told her.

"Oh I see," Hermione said and smiled,

"Let's see what I have..."

A/N: Doing a short time skip here. If you guys are interested I'll write a little one-shot about Draco learning about Muggle Music, with some of my favorite songs ;) I just didn't want you guys to be like 'ew I don't like this music' and be diverged away from the story just because of my choice in music. Sorry for the interruption, back to the story! ALSO! I know that they didn't have iPods in the time Harry Potter is set in, but it doesn't make a big difference if it's set in modern day, and I figured it's easier that way. Besides, you guys don't mind... right? ^^" Okay now, back to the story.

It was nearly midnight by the time Hermione had gone through quite a few rock bands. Draco had actually seemed to enjoy most of the muggle music she showed him.

Draco smiled at her, "We should get to bed, don't you think?"

Hermione nodded and plopped down onto the bed, laying back, "Well then this is my room so..." she waved her hand in a shooing motion.

He chuckled and leaned down, "Goodnight, Hermione," he said, and then kissed her forehead and walked out of the room.

Hermione blushed softly and watched him go. She got under the covers, and drifted off to sleep.

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