The Day

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Chapter 3: The Day

It was the day. The day of the big Halloween bash.

The night that would change everything. Not that Hermione knew that. Yet.

Hermione woke with a start, her hand going to her neck where the necklace still hung. She placed her palm over the form of the dragon and then over the book with the sandal inside it. She sighed softly.

So that whole binding thing hadn't been just an extremely weird dream.
She got out of the bed, and ran a hand through her messy hair.

A brush was needed. Right now. And a nice shower. That would wake her up for sure.

And despite the fact the Halloween Bash was all day today... well she wasn't sure she wanted to go. With Draco and all...

But Ginny would drag her of course. She was sure of it.

Nothing to do about that, she supposed.

So she just got ready, getting in the shower and then slowly dressing up in the dress she was going to wear for the night.

Yes it was gorgeous and yes once her hair and makeup was done she would look stunning.

But she was just... unsure.


She heard Ginny's voice call out.

The witch was probably already dressed up like her Elven Princess, wasn't she?

"Yes, Ginny?" Hermione called back, slipping on the silver heels to go with her dress and walking out of the room.

Ginny was right there when she stepped out. The ginger girl grinned widely. "You look gorgeous! But your hair, and make-"

Hermione cut her off, "I'm obviously not done, Ginny." her tone was warm, but she was frowning.

Ginny didn't seem to notice, and continued smiling, "Do you want me to help you get ready?"

Hermione shook her head, "I'm fine, Gin. I can get ready myself."

Ginny nodded and continued to smile, "Alright. Well I'm going to head out." she ran a hand through her hair and poked both of the fake pointy ears she had made with magic. "See you at the bash!"

Hermione nodded slowly and gave the girl a wide smile. "Yes. See you." she murmured, and turned around to finish getting ready.

Once she finished up, all dolled up, with her hair fluffy but beautifully bouncy, and just the right amount of makeup, Hermione was ready to head out. She put on the masquerade mask and started out.

The whole Gryffindor Common Room was deserted. Obviously everyone had already already gone to the Bash, and the younger ones, to their classes.

Hermione walked out of the room through the painting, and wished the Fat Lady a nice day before walking down the corridor.

She knew where she was going of course, to where the bash was being held. The Dining Hall.

She was certain would be cleared of tables, except for on the sides, and food would be aplenty.

She barely saw anyone on her way to the dining hall. How strange, she was sure she would've seen at least one person.

She shrugged it off and opened one of the giant double doors, and into the dining hall.

The party was already at full swing, and once she opened the door the music was blasting in her ears.

The door swung shut behind her, the light bang it caused was unheard over the loud music.

She let out a loud huff. This is why she disliked parties.

She started walking along, hoping to see someone she was friends with, and her eyes went towards the tables filled with food and drink. She would rather not have to weave through dancing witches and wizards. Sadly...

The only person she spotted near the food and drink was Malfoy himself, standing alone with a red drink in his hand.

She sighed softly, and made her way over to him. He was better then no one, right...?

Bound To A Vampire (A Harry Potter Fanfiction) ( OLD VERSION )Where stories live. Discover now