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Chapter 10: Disputes

Breakfast had ended, and it was time for normal classes to start.

Hermione's first class was with Harry and Ron.

Draco was also in that class, so she tossed him a grin before starting to get up from the seat and going to exit the Great Hall.

Since they had fell asleep there, they both were wearing what they had from last night.

One nice thing was that the 'eighth' years were allowed to wear just everyday clothing. But that didn't mean she wanted to wear this dress during classes.

No matter how pretty it made her look.

And Draco obviously felt the same about his own outfit, because with one glance down at what he was wearing, he made a bit of a face and got to his feet.

"I'll see you in class, Hermione." he said, and put a hand on her cheek momentarily before walking away.

Hermione smiled lightly, and turned away as well, walking towards the Gryffindor Common Room.

On her way there, she saw Harry and Ron.

Ron was floating along behind Harry, doing little spins in the air and flying around him.

"You know, being a ghost is pretty fun! Just check out all the cool things I can do!" Ron said happily, "At first I was terrified about being pretty much dead but y'know it's not that bad, mate."

"And while you get to have fun I get fleas," Harry said with a playful pout.

Ron laughed and then saw Hermione, "Mione! Where were you during breakfast?" he asked, waving her over.

Hermione walked over to them, having to move away from her original path.

"I was at the Slytherin Table," she said in a nonchalant tone.

Harry raised an eyebrow.

"Bloody hell, why were you sitting with the snakes?!" Ron almost shouted.

Hermione shrugged softly, "I was sitting with Draco."

"Draco? You're on a first name basis with Malfoy now?" Ron asked, a bit surprised despite seeing them at the bash talking.

"You reek of him," Harry said, scrunching up his nose in disgust, "What did you do, snuggle up to him? Surely he didn't stay with you all night."

"As a matter of fact, yes, actually, he did," Hermione said.

"What's gotten into you Mione? He's Malfoy." Ron said.

"He's treating me nicer then you did, what, with cheating on me with Lavender," she said hotly.

Ron's eyes grew wide and he stared at her, speechless.

Luckily Harry voiced what he was thinking.

Harry growled softly, "So, what, you're together now?"

"Maybe I am!" Hermione said, and spun around, "That's none of your concern. See you in class," she said and stormed away.

A/N: Four things I want to say.

First, I'm sorry for this chapter being short, but I thought that was a good place to end it.

Second, don't worry about the Golden Trio's relationship. They'll be friends still but right now it's just a bit strained. They'll become best friends again at some point.

Third, I also want to tell you all that I'm currently working on a Companion Guide for the story. This companion guide will be focused on the creatures the characters have become. They're my versions of how that creature is normally like. The first entry/'chapter' has already been made, and it's about Vampires, so go check it out.

Fourth, I want to extend a big thank you to all the readers! You are what encourage me to continue writing this story, and I hope you're all enjoying it!
The fact you're not only commenting but VOTING for my story really means a lot to me, so thank you! Comments and critiques are always appreciated. <3

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