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Chapter 14: Detention

Detention was as it always had been, all teachers gave their own form of detention. This one just happened to be walking out in the Forbidden Forest at night. It wasn't so scary anymore though. They were older now, and they had been through the Wizarding War.

Yet, Draco and Hermione took this as a chance to cuddle up while walking together, Hermione pretending to be scared and cold.

This of course just got them more of Harry and Ron's wrath.

Hermione was starting to wonder if the 'Golden Trio' was ever going to become a Trio again, or if it was to stay as a Duo.

Well, actually, to be honest she was cold, and Draco wasn't exactly a source of heat. "I'm cold," she whispered to him as they walked through the forest after Ron and Harry.

He glanced at her, and noticed she was shivering lightly. He frowned, knowing he couldn't warm her up himself. And they still had almost a half hour left of detention.

"Potter," Draco called out, and Harry glanced over his shoulder,

"What do you want, Malfoy?" he replied.

"Hermione's cold," Draco said.

"And that's my problem because...?" Harry raised an eyebrow, and Ron had looked over at them as well.

"I can't warm her up," Draco stated, "I'm freezing to the touch."

Harry blinked, "Oh right..."

Draco looked at Hermione, "Let Harry warm you up," he told her, unwrapping his arms from around her.

"But I'm still mad at him..." she whispered back.

"I don't want you catching a cold. Go on," Draco told her.

She sighed and nodded, then walked to Harry's side. He pulled her into a light hug, and warmth instantly spread over her.

"You're extremely warm aren't you?" she asked.

Harry chuckled, "Werewolves are I suppose."

"I would help warm you up, Mione, but I kinda can't," Ron said, and floating along right in front of them.

"It's okay, Ron," she said, and looked over her shoulder at Draco.

"I'm sorry for my outburst today, Hermione. It was out of line, and I know you're still mad at Ron." Harry said, making her look back at him.

"It's okay Harry," she said with a smile, "I know it must be hard getting control of that wolf in you."

"Can we just... all be friends again?" Ron suddenly said, "I feel really bad about what happened between us, Mione, but I'm happy with Lavender. You seem pretty happy too."

Hermione grinned, "Oh you guys are my best friends and always will be. You know that."

Harry and Ron grinned, "I suppose we can get used to... him," Ron jerked his thumb in Draco's direction.

"Hey Malfoy. Get over here," Harry said.

Draco raised an eyebrow and was to their side in a flash.

Quite literally actually, he had moved faster then any person should be able to.

"Potter. Weasley. Hermione," he said, the last word much less cold then the other two, in fact, it was very warm.

"Malfoy," Harry and Ron chorused.

"Draco," Hermione chirped, and held out a hand to him.

He took it and a shiver went through her, since her hand was now cold, but she smiled at him anyways, and moved closer to Harry for warmth.

"There has got to be a spell to make you warmer," Hermione said, "I'll look into it."

Draco grinned, "I'll help you look. We can look into it tomorrow at the Library."

Hermione nodded, "Alright,"

"Okay okay I admit you guys are kind of cute together just stop acting like that. Bloody hell it's weird seeing you acting like that, Malfoy," Ron said.

All four ended up laughing at that.

Hermione had to admit, it was really nice having her friends back.

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