Warmth and Anger

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A/N: Sorry about last chapter being short. I actually have a funny reason for cutting it off there. 1st of all I have a lot planned for the next few chapters and 2nd of all that chapter ended up with exactly 666 words (It's the devil chapter lol) so that was another reason because I was laughing when I realized that. Anyways! To the story!

Chapter 20: Warmth and Anger

When she had cast the spell it had felt like a rush. Warmth had flooded over him and he felt... different. Alive once more. It was a wonderful feeling. It was like sunlight on his skin and happiness had burst from him when he realized it had worked.

But now that warmth was gone. Sure, his skin was warm like an actual human being, but there was no other feelings of normality. Things that, while alive he took for granted. Like blood rushing through the veins and the beating of ones heart. Those were human things... things he felt himself longing for ever so often.

Even though he was comfortably sitting in the chair, Hermione sitting on his lap and cuddled up to him, he still couldn't help but think. "Hermione." he whispered against her ear.

"Yes?" Hermione asked raising her head off his chest and looked at his face.

"If.... I hadn't ended up like... this." he paused and swiped his tongue over his teeth, indicating his fangs, "Do you think we'd still... be together?"

Hermione frowned a bit. What sort of question was that? How was she supposed to know whether or not they would've still ended up together? The logical side of her said probably not. Helping him had caused them to bond.

But, her heart was telling her yes. Of course they would've. Love always found a way to get past anything and it was one of the strongest feelings in the world.

The longer she took to reply the more his lips turned downwards, pulling into an ugly frown.

Hermione was logically minded though she couldn't simply give him an answer. She had to think on it so her answer would be more sincere.

"Should've known..." Draco sighed loudly, and leaned back against the chair, his arms unravelling from around her waist and going behind her to cross over his chest.

"Wait I'm sorry..." Hermione started, "I'm just... thinking."

Draco's eye twitched, "Why can't you just give me an answer? If it was going to be no tell me the truth."

"I can't just say yes or no to something like this! This is talking about changing timelines and-"

He cut her off, "It's really not. It's simply if you think we would be together if I wasn't a vampire. If you love me then yes would be your answer!" his voice had become raised and if she hadn't been sitting on his lap still he probably would've started to storm off.

"Draco it's not that it's just..."

"Was I not good enough for you, Granger?" he hissed.

"No Draco you-"

"Granger get off me." he grumbled.

"Let me talk!" she shouted and, still on his lap turned herself completely so she was practically straddling him.

He shut up but his eyes were still narrowed as he looked up at her.

"Let me explain why it's taking me so long to reply okay?" her voice was calm.

His grit his teeth but nodded.

"I'm a logical thinker and when it comes to things like this it takes me a long time to think of all the possibilities of how things could've actually gone. There is no definitive answer because in some of the instances I come up with yes, we would be together still. In others? No. We wouldn't. You were an asshole for the longest time." she watched him grimace when she said that, "I mean why would I want to be with an arrogant ass?" she questioned, and then leaned down towards him, wrapping her arms around his neck.

"But you've definitely changed, and going by what my heart says though, yes Draco. We would be together and I love you." she murmured and then kissed him softly.

She felt his frown become a smile as her lips touched his and he kissed her back gently. He pulled back, and ran a hand through her hair, "I love you too." he proclaimed.


I'm going to be blatantly honest with you all. These chapters are just getting shorter and shorter and I feel horrible because I don't feel like they're the best content I can offer. There's a reason for that and here it is: I've been in the Harry Potter fandom for a long time. It's still a big fandom of mine but I'm just not as into it as when I first started this story. It's getting hard to write when I don't care as much about the characters anymore. Sure, I still love the fandom, the characters, the actual books and movies, but it's just not my biggest one right now. I'm in a lot of fandoms and sometimes some get pushed back. Harry Potter has no new content being produced and I haven't read a fanfic of it in ages. Dramione is still one of my number one OTPs out of any fandom but still. I will continue to write this because I know you guys are really enjoying it and I don't want to let you all down.

Here's one thing you can do for me though. Maybe make some content suggestions? What would you like to see in the next chapter or two? Those would be much appreciated!

Thank you so much to everyone who is continuing to read and support this story. Check out my other stories if you'd like.

You can help support this story, and some others on fanfiction.net. I'm under this same username.

Thanks again everyone. I hope you all understand!

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