angst-Just another night.

Start from the beginning

It can't be easy, living out in the snow during the winter, searching for food.



My cellphone rings again, so I wander back into the living room and pick it up.

Eran again.

I can hear sirens in the background, after a moment Eran's hesitant voice echoed through the phone.

"Eh... so, RG kinda lost control of the truck."

It sounds like he is holding the phone half a foot away from his head. "Oh dear... What happened?"

"We hit a ditch. The cars totaled. But we're all okay, I think. The cops are here, talking to RG. He's definitely drunk."

I snorted and replied "No kidding."

"Their ignoring the rest of us. There's a bus here, so I'm going to get on and go home."

"Sounds like a plan." I paused and grimaced. "Wait... Do you know what bus to get on?"

"I'll figure it out!" Optimism was clear in his voice. "I'll call you when I'm close."


He's gone. And I'm back to the movie. There's a lull in the action, when a attractive male protagonist has a awkward conversation with a just as attractive female protagonist.

Which might have worked, if they had any chemistry at all. My mind wanders to my job hunt.

A few of my classmates say they have great company's to work for. Apparently mechanical engineers are invulnerable to the bad unemployment rate.

But... I'm really not sure if I just want to jump into things. Traveling would be fun. There would be something immensely rewarding about sending Eran a photo of me on the beach, while he would be struggling through studying for midterms mid-October.

Totally worth passing up a easy job for.


The smoke alarm echoed loudly from the kitchen. I jump up and was greeted by the thick smell of smoke.

The omelet!

There's about a foot of black smoke in the kitchen, I run in, pull my burnt snack off the stove, and open every window, letting the cold air sweep through the kitchen.

My creation is little more then a pile of ash, so I open the back door and dump in on the porch for any animals to try and scavenge.

So much for that.

There's some left over pasta in the fridge, I'm happy to eat it cold at this point. I'm better off not heating anything up.

I settle down and continue with the movie. But my mind drifts back to travelling.

I've always wanted to go across the pond. Check out America, maybe backpack through Germany, see the sites in France, practice my fake accent in Australia.

What is it like in Australia in the summer? Couldn't be much hotter, but at least less humid.



Again, my ringtone snaps me back to the real world and I scramble to answer it.

"Now you pick up!"

Eran's shouting, but I can barely hear him. Wherever he was, he had horrible reception.

"I've been calling for hours!"

Hermitcraft Oneshots and AUs (Season VI And VII) ((FIN))Where stories live. Discover now