Lose Together, Get Punished Together

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"Nyahaha! We did it, guys!" Angie exclaimed in celebration. "Yeah, we did great together..!" Saihara added while catching his breath. "Yahoo! That was crazy fun!" Ouma exclaimed. "All players out there, please come up the mountain where we first started." Monokuma called.

While the six of them walked up the mountain, Kaito and Kiibo were surprisingly not in a bad mood at all, though they were disappointed, it was nothing more than that. "Hey Ouma, I've been wondering.. What exactly did you do to take both me and Kiibo out?" Kaito asked. "Well, first of all, before we all started moving around, I made these anti-friction shoes that I wore over my usual shoes in order to move faster with less effort and jump around without stopping. Then, I telepathically told Saihara-chan I would pass by him, and that I would borrow his knife so that I could hit both of you at the same time. At my final jump going to you guys, I made sure to jump extra high, so that I could make those shoes disappear and land properly, then I could hit you guys. After "removing" them, I threw my dummy in front of you guys to trick you both into thinking I was going right past you guys, then voila! I land then get you both from behind!" Ouma explained. "That actually sounds really complicated..." Kiibo commented. "Yeah, but that was really awesome, especially after knowing how you did it!" Kaito praised. "Nishishi! It wouldn't have worked out as well if Saihara-chan didn't read my mind, though! I knew I could trust him with these things!". Hearing this somewhat made Kiibo feel uneasy, and very soon after that conversation, they arrived at the top of the mountain, where Monokuma and everyone else were waiting.

"Congratulations, red team! I'm impressed, really! I know this kinda took a while, so I'll be bringing you guys back to the main campus, while the black team does their punishment. I'll be leaving you kids to deal with them, alright?" Monokuma said. "Yep! Leave it to us, Papa!" Monotaro replied. After the red team loaded into the van, they immediately drove off, leaving a heavy feeling of dread for the black team. "Hehehe... Are you guys ready for your punishment...?" Monosuke asked evilly, while the others either gulped or shivered in fear.

When the red team arrived at the main campus, they all decided to have lunch together. While eating, they chatted about the games they played in the morning, especially the last one. "I wonder how the black team is doing right now..." Saihara wondered. "Yeah, same here. It didn't look like they'd be able to leave so soon." Amami commented. "I'm sure the girls are just fine, but those other degenerates better be getting what they deserve!" Tenko exclaimed with her usual disgust towards men. "Ahaha! I'm sure they'll all be fine!" Ouma said cheerfully. "And how are you so confident about that?" Maki asked. "Just because, you know! This school may be tough, but our class is tougher!" he replied. "Fufu. Yeah, maybe you're right." Amami said. Even after eating, they all just sat and talked for a bit longer before they headed back to their dorm rooms.

When Ouma got to his room, he immediately took a shower, and went straight to Kiibo's room after changing into more comfortable clothes. At that time, it had already been almost two hours since the red team had returned to the main campus, but the black team members still haven't come back yet. "*sigh* Why are the others taking so long to come back?" Ouma wondered as he slowly drifted off into sleep on Kiibo's bed.

(Almost two hours earlier)
"So your first punishment is to make a reflection paper on why you think you guys lost, like what you bastards lacked, but also write what you thought were good about your performance, and what you could have done instead." Monotaro explained. "You'll have fifteen minutes to write this on these papers we'll hand out to you, and you'll have to write at least ten sentences for this." Monophanie continued. "You bastards better make proper and concrete sentences, or else we won't count them! And if you don't reach the minimum, then you can expect another fucking punishment specially prepared just for you!" Monokid threatened. At this point, their threats didn't scare them anymore, now that they're already in this mess. After everyone received a sheet of paper, the clock for fifteen minutes started ticking, and when time was up, everyone had reached the minimum no problem, and some even wrote more than necessary.

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