My eyes widen, "How did you know?!"

He starts laughing, "I didn't, but you just told me! You really don't have periods?! That's crazy!"

I stand up and walk to the bed. He clears his throat, "You make me laugh so much." I roll my eyes and look over at Nancy.

She finishes cleaning and walks out. Zaiden phone goes off and he looks at me. A smile crawl on his lips, "I found someone to kill."

He walks over towards me and unhooks me, "Let's go gamble."

I look at him and he pulls me with him, "W-Why do I have to go?!"

He looks at me, "Because if I make a bet and I don't want to lose my money, I can give them you instead of my money."

He picks me up and I hit him, "You're going to sell me again?! You just sold me!!"

He puts me in the car and I try to get out, "The person I sold you to is dead. So that doesn't count."

I kick at the window, "What the fuck is your problem?! I'm not some object!!"

He gets in the car, "But you are to me. Plus, I'm really lucky when it comes to gambling."

He holds down my pressure point and darkness takes over me.

Three hours later I wake up and we are in a parking lot. We get out of the car and I scream when I bug runs across my feet. He looks at me and I whine, "A-A b-bug was on me."

He looks at my feet, "I forgot you don't have on any shoes."

He walks up to me and I step back. He throws me over his shoulder and we head to the building, "No fighting this time?"

I ignore his question and I tense up when I hear other people's voices. Zaiden squeezes my butt, "No need to tense up."

"Who's the beauty?" Zaiden sits me on a table and I look towards the voice, "If I lose someone can have her, but it depends on how much money I lose."

I look at the man and he winks at me. The man looks to be in his late twenties. "I wouldn't mind winning her."

Zaiden looks at me, "He doesn't seem like a disgusting old man like the last one."

I look around and see that the place is clean. I thought it would be dirty considering how the outside look.

"Where's the table?" Zaiden asks as he leans on the table beside me, "The last group broke the table, so I sent someone to get a new one."

The man snaps his fingers, "Go clean her feet."

I look over and see that the man is looking at me. Zaiden looks at me, "It seems like you caught someone's eye."

Next thing I know a woman comes up to me with a bucket of water. She reaches for my feet and I move away from her.

"She's just trying to clean your feet." I look at Zaiden and he is looking at the woman.

She puts a warm towel against my foot and starts cleaning my feet. I look over at the man and he shows me a smile, "Don't gamble me away."

Zaiden starts laughing, "Depends on if I feel like paying the amount of money I lose."

The woman finishes cleaning my feet and walks off. All of a sudden the door opens. I scoot closer to Zaiden and he laughs, "I'm not your knight in shining armor."

A group of men walk in and whistle at me, "Is she playing or is she a prize?" One man asks as he looks me up and down.

"She's a prize in place of my money."

I've Become Like HimWhere stories live. Discover now