some feelings just don't disappear- steve rogers

Start from the beginning

"Yes---no," he sighed, pressing his fingers to his temples and rubbing his forehead, "I honestly don't know. It's so easy to love her and that's exactly why I don't want to take things any further than friendship."

"So you're already in love."

"No, not really."

"There are many things I know how to do and know how to do well, one of them being able to tell whether someone is telling the truth or not, and I know for a fact that was a lie."

"I can't feel this way towards her, Natasha."

"And why is that?"

"I'm not willing to run the risk of that when I don't even have a clue about how she feels towards me," he explained, "nor am I willing to mess up what we have together right now."

"Oh, that's absolute bullshit," Sam snorted from beside Natasha, finally setting down his phone to give his best friend a hard stare, "there's something more between you two and that's a fact, whether y'all would like to acknowledge it or not."

"And you're telling me to---"

"Suck it up, buttercup, and grow a pair, will ya? Just tell her how you feel. Work things out, man."

"What he said," Natasha agreed.

Steve rolled his eyes. "I'd rather not."



When you looked around at your surroundings all you could make out were masses of grey and black. Your vision was blurry and fuzzy at the edges from whatever the hell that man had drugged you with to knock you out cold, and your body was aching immensely from head to toe from all the lashes and cuts and other torture that you received.

Every inhale and exhale was painful because of the deep cut on your stomach and your arms felt numb, as if they were going to fall off at any moment from the restraints that were wrapped tightly around them.

You blinked several times and rubbed your eyes, and the moment you tried to escape or loosen your restraints, you felt a white-hot shock run through your body before the restraints tightened more, and let out an ear-shattering scream.

"See, this is what happens when you try and resist us," your HYDRA kidnapper sneered as he rounded the corner and entered your cell holding a small control pad with several buttons. "Sweetheart, there's no use in trying, or even dreaming about it, because you're never going to make it out of here alive."

"Fuck you," you shot him a death glare, spitting out blood between your teeth. "It doesn't fucking matter what the hell you do, because you won't be able to pull any information out of me no matter how hard your pathetic self tries to do so. Tony, Steve, and the rest of the Avengers are coming to kick your sorry little ass and there's nothing you can do to stop them."

Another shock jolted your body and you screamed once again.

"Let's see, maybe that'll teach a feisty lady like you to listen, hm?" he taunted, his voice dripping with venom as he struck the side of your face, causing your cheek to sting and it took all you had not to lash out at him for the third time already. "Step out of place and see what happens...we aren't done with you yet."

Those were the last words you heard from his disgusting mouth before he struck you again and everything went black.


"Guys, I found her!" Steve yelled as he approached your cell and busted the bars down, gesturing for the others to hurry up and come over. He rushed over to you and stopped short when he turned you over and got a good look at you, feeling nauseous at the sight.

tom holland/peter parker and steve rogers oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now