He gulps his drink drown, "How did she kill your ex-wife again?"

He looks at me and clears his throat, "She crushed up a bunch of Tylenol pills and put it in her drink."

I finish up my drink, "Did you know her last wish was to kill someone else? She gave me all of her money which is twice as much of what you gave me."

He lets out a cough and sits down while holding his head, "Her last wish was to kill you. I decided to grant that wish by killing you the same way she killed your ex-wife."

His eyes widen and I look at the glass in front of him, "Looks like she will be annoying you even more to where you're going."

He grabs my shirt, "You asshole!"

I move his hand off of me and stand up, "The way this bar is they will think that you're just a drunk man who passed out. Who knows how long your body will be here before someone realizes it?"

He grabs my arm, "I'll see you in hell."

I smile, "Make sure you save me a spot down there."

I leave a twenty-dollar bill on the table and then walk out of the bar. I text Mask Man and tell him there's another body.

I send him the location and get in my car. All of a sudden my phone rings.

"Helloooo." I drag out.

"It hasn't even been two hours and you killed someone already." I shrug my shoulders, "My services are at high demand. What can I do?"

He lets out a long sigh, "What's the point of saying anything to you? It goes in one ear and out the other."

I hum in response, "What am I supposed to call you? In my phone, your number is saved as Mask Man."

I turn my car on and drive off, "Mask Man is fine. I'll talk to you the next time you'll have a body ready."

We hang up after that and I head to my next destination which is Bunny's house.

I had Nancy find it for me. I get to her apartment and walk through the lobby. Good thing I didn't forget her key.

I unlock her door and walk in. I hear the sound of a bell and I look down and see a cat. "She has a fur ball like you here?"

That cat meows and rubs against my leg and I walk past it. I look around, "She's a neat person."

I look in her refrigerator and take a bag of grapes. I walk to her room and see that she has no pictures up. "Do you have any family or friends?"

I look down and see that the cat followed me, "If your owner is a loner I'm going to laugh."

It meows in response and I look at her bookshelf. I find her yearbook and flip through it. "Damn it. What's her name again?"

I put my head on the book and groan, "I know her last name starts with a D, but that's all I know. I don't even know what her first name starts with."

I hit the book when I remembered, "Dime. That's her last name." I flip through the pictures and find her senior picture."

I laugh once I see the picture, "It's so obvious that that smile is fake as hell. It doesn't even look genuine." I close the book, "There's a high chance she was bullied. I'm going to have some fun with this."

I'm going to tell Mask Man about this apartment. We can use it for something.

I see a cage and I pick it up. I pick the cat up and put it in the cage. I put the food, food and water bowl, and litter in a bag. I walk out and walk to my car. I get in the car and head home.

Once I get home I sit down in my room and open the envelope Mask Man left me.

I smile when I see a list of people's names. Not only is it just their names, but also where they're located. "Mask Man is actually a good guy."

I hum to myself when I see that some people are out of the country. "I've never been out of the country before."

Nancy walks in, "I have the information you asked for."

I look over at Nancy, "New information about Bunny? The school she graduated from? Her family?" She nods her head and hands me a file, "Yes, it's all in there."

I smile and take the file out of her hand, "Time to go question Bunny." I pick the cat up and carry it to Bunny's room.

I walk past Nancy and head to Bunny's room. I open the door and see her watching tv. I put the cat down and she quickly sits up, "Tiger!"

The cat jumps on the bed and rubs against Bunny, "You're welcome."

I sit down on the bed and she scoots away from me, "I want to talk."

She looks at me and turns the tv off. "I know where you graduated from. I graduated from the same school."

She looks at me as she brings her knees to her chest, "Did you have any friends?"

She looks at me and I tilt my head to the side, "Yes? No?"

She looks away from me, "No."

"Did you get bullied?"

She nods her head, "Were you a loner? Are you a loner?"

She nods her head and I laugh, "I can't believe you don't have any friends. You're telling me that you have been missing and no one has noticed or even cared about you being gone for so long? Your life is really worthless."

She glares at me and I groan, "Keep looking at me like that and I'll fuck you right now."

She looks away from me and I show her her yearbook. "You said you were bullied, right? Point them out."

She glares at me and I groan again, "You really want me to fuck you, don't you?"

"I will not point them out. All you're going to do is find them and try to kill them." I start laughing, "I actually don't need to worry about killing anyone. Someone gave me a list of people to kill."

I tap the book, "Point out your bullies or the cat dies." She picks the cat up and hugs it, "Noo!! Why?! You have a list of people. Why do you need more?"

I look through her yearbook and notice that she wrote in it. "You wrote in your yearbook. Did anyone sign it?"

She shows me a sad look and I fall back on the bed and laugh, "I can't believe you're this big of a loner. Do you even have a best friend?"

She looks out the window and I laugh even harder. I look at all of the senior pictures and decide to tease her once I found my answer.

"It was four people, wasn't it?" She looks at me with wide eyes, "You just gave me the answer without even saying anything."

"The four people were friends with each other?" She ignores me this time and I reach over to pet the cat. She moves out of my reach, "Your bullies were Camila Pike, Nora Green, Paisley Becker, and Autumn Duncan."

She looks at me and cries, "Please don't kill them. You'll get nothing out of it."

I stand up and close the book, "I'm not going to kill them."

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