(A/N pretend the blue eye is one the left and the normal one is on the right)

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(A/N pretend the blue eye is one the left and the normal one is on the right)

One of the ways to automatically know Scarlett is a different kind a werewolf is; her eyes. Farkas wolves right eye is always the same color as their regular human eyes but the left is always either icy or bright Red.

Thankfully for the she wolf and others Farkas' before her had the ability to hide their mix mach eyes in both human and wolf form.

Scarlett was eye was red the day she turned the first time, her father told her the morning after, raving about how big and important this was and how proud he was of her.

She thought he was insane and over dramatic but went along with it. Sadly her red-eye went along with the rest of her family that night. Everything that meant anything to her went away that night.

Flashes of that night swarmed her mind.She couldn't stop them.They always rose up when she was alone. She didn't have a reason to block them out and didn't have the strength too.

She ran into the woods with flashes of her mother's body and her brother's body and her father's last words running in her head as she ran as if she was running from her own mind.


After hours of running and a little deer killing spree,Scarlett went home shifted back as the sky started filling with stars, She took a quick shower changed the put her long red locks into a careless bun.

(her outfit^)

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(her outfit^)

Speeding to the Salvatore boarding house because she had the feeling something was going on and she had no reason to be at Salvatore mansion so she couldn't just go in.

Once she arrives she quickly jumps up to Stefan balcony and leans against the railing she focuses her hearing on the voices she hears.

"have you ever thought Scarlett might not be on our side?" Is the first thing she hears from Damon's mouth.

shit shit shit

"What if she has been working with Katherine or Elijah?" Damon continues his suggestion.

The sound of Stefan pacing then sigh is heard
"No way Scarlett loves Elena like a sister"Stefan defense calmly.

Or i'm just a really really good actress but ok

Scarlett hears clinks and something pouring so she guessing one of them is pouring a drink

"You don't think there's even the slightest possibility that she is?"Damon asks his brother though he hopes he is wrong. Scarlett was their friend.In there eyes anyways.

"No way"Stefan answers seriously."Now can we please focus on the people who actually trying to kill Elena"

Everything these idiots do is for Elena.

"We'll keep her safe Stefan"The eldest Salvatore tells his brother.

"You know the only way to do that is if we're not fighting each other"Stefan replies.

Oh lord. Here it comes.

"We let Katherine come between us we let Elena happen with, Elena was not gonna be able to protect her." He continues.

"Yes Stefan, heard it all before"Damon groans as he walks away.

The sound of her phone vibrating quickly gains Scarlett's attention.

She answers quickly to stop the noice answer then speed into the woods about 2 miles into it then speaks

"Mister fancy pants, how can i help you?"

"I was wondering if there was anyone I can get close to, to get Elena, and since you know more about them then I, I figured you would know," The Original says in his ever so calm voice.

"Ah you are right I know everything about this town and its residents, Now the person you should try is Jenna she is Elena's aunt she lives with Elena and she is also human,"Scarlett informs him walking slowly back to the Salvatore boarding house.

"Very well thank you for the help I must go now goodnight Fox," he says calmly then turns slightly teasing with the nickname

"You're welcome, good night mister fancy pants,"Scarlett replies the same way he did and then hangs up.

She glances up at the dark blue sky before speeds her way back to her spot onto Stefan's balcony and focuses her hearing again.

The first thing she hears is whooshing like a vampire speeding around.

"Who's there"Stefan exclaims sounding angry.

"Im not here to hurt you"A female with british accent says.


"Why are you here?" Stefan asks.

"Lexi once told me you were one of the good ones," Rose replies.

"You knew Lexi?" Stefan asks trying to get more information.

Scarlett liked Lexi, She only met her once before her family's death.She was kind and badass all in one but Scarlett assumed that she left town not knowing that Damon had killed her.

"Trevor was my best friend, for 500 years, I've lived with one person and he's gone," Rose says as she walks closer to Stefan and then continues

"And I don't want to run anymore because I have nowhere to run to"

"Well, im sorry, but I can't help you," Stefan says once she finishes.

aren't you supposed to be the the nice one.

"I don't need your help, but I think you need mine," Rose says walking more.

More bad guys! Yay!

"Elijah might be dead but this isn't over," she says.

He very much not dead

"What do you mean it's not over?" Stefan says sounding confused

"It isn't over, the originals, they'll come for her," she says.

Forgot there is more of them.

"They have to, there doing it for him," Rose says.

Stefan rushes to ask and the worry is very noticeable

"For Who"



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Cyaaa  ❥


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